Ethiopia: Jawar Mohammed reportedly arrested
OMN announced that Federal Police had arrested Jawar Mohammed on Tuesday.
By Borkena
The media, whose owner is Jawar Mohammed himself who was linked to the killings of 86 people in October 2019, claimed that there was a clash between the Federal Police and Oromia region Security forces, as reported by DW Amharic service on Tuesday.
However, OMN did not say details regarding casualties on both sides. It claimed that Federal Police members had to get reinforcements to make the arrest.
Bekele Gerba, who is among the senior leadership of Oromo Federalist Party, is also arrested along with Jawar Mohammed. The location of their arrest is undisclosed. Jawar joined the political party last December the legality of which was questioned by the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia on grounds of Jawar’s U.S. citizenship.
The arrest came a day after prominent Ethiopian singer Hachalu Hundessa was assassinated in the capital Addis Ababa in the locality of Gelan Condominiums. Police said on Tuesday that he was killed after he got into his car.
However, Police did not disclose information about the identities of the killed although it has confirmed that it has arrested some suspects.
Hachalu was interviewed by OMN a few days before he was murdered, and there was apparent coordination on the part of those who plotted the killing to make his death appear as if it is linked to the remarks he made over the Emperor Menelik.
Oromia Regional State president, Shimeles Abdissa, said on Tuesday that the killing was an orchestrated one and was intended to bring about chaos in the country.
He pointed fingers to Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) leaders and other political forces who he said were hired mercenaries. Speaking with breaking voices out of grief, Shimeles also said that political entities that are combining peaceful and armed struggle are involved in the campaign to reverse the reform measures in the country.
Lencho Bati, a prominent Oromo activist, and politician who is said to work as an adviser to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government said the killing TPLF and Egypt are likely to be behind the killing. But it was executed through the agency of mercenaries hired from the Oromo community, he added.

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