Press Release - COVID19 Eritrean UK TASK FORCE
Press Release
Only a few months ago, the COVID-19 virus was nothing more than a minor news item about something that was happening in parts of China—with very few aware of the scale of the pandemic that would grip the entire World.
Today, there is not a single person in the entire World that has not been impacted by this pandemic in one way or another.
The death toll in countries like Italy and Spain, show how deadly the virus can be.
All nations now find themselves in a race to save their citizens and have taken extraordinary steps in their fight against the spread of this deadly virus.
The Ministry of Health of Eritrea finds its self faced with the important but difficult task of safeguarding the people of Eritrea from this deadly pandemic.
This is a fight that requires huge resources and countries like Eritrea will find it difficult to cope unless they receive help.
At this challenging and testing time, it is up to us, the citizens of Eritrea, to rally around our nation and provide the help that our nation needs to fight against this pandemic.
Those Eritreans who wish to contribute towards the fight against the Corona Virus pandemic, can do so either by making a pledge through Contribution for Eritrea COVID-19 Fund - UK .
Contribution for Eritrea COVID-19 Fund - UK
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Or transferring funds to the Eritrean Youth association.
Account name: Eritrean Youth Association
Bank: Lloyds Bank:
Sort Code: 30-98-97
Account number: 64520360
28/3/2020 London United Kingdom
Press Release - COVID19 Eritrean UK TASK FORCE
Reviewed by Admin
7:09 AM

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