TPLF Chair Announces Intentions to Declare Independence if Campaign Against Tigray Persists
TPLF chairman, Debretsion Gebremichael threatens independence
TPLF Chair Announces Intentions to Declare Independence if Campaign Against Tigray Persists
By Ezega
The Chairman of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) Debretsion Geberemichael has expressed intentions of the Tigray regional state to become an independent nation if hate speeches against its people persist.
In a speech he delivered in connection with the 45th anniversary of the TPLF foundation, Debretsion said: “You have to announce the Tigray region as an independent nation if foreign forces continue meddling in the affairs of Ethiopia and hatred against the Tigray region is not rectified." Debretsion said this to Members of the Federal Parliament of the Tigray region who were attending the 45th anniversary of the TPLF.
The chairperson was speaking before tens of thousands of people in Mekelle stadium where no officials from the federal government showed up.
“Your term as MPs of the federal parliament is nearing an end; hence do something that would be referred to as history before your term expires,” he said
Debretsion was, in particular, referring to the recent speech by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who said “We, the Oromo people, have crippled Weyanes; the TPLF members are at present confined in one place." The much-criticized speech by the Prime Minister was delivered during the inaugural ceremony of an irrigation project in Bale Goba last week.
“We have to condemn foreign interference in internal affairs of Ethiopia and hate speeches being delivered by leaders of the country against the people of Tigray,” said Deberetsion Gebremichael, who is also deputy president of the Tigray region.
“Discharge your responsibilities, otherwise you will be blamed for playing a negative role for a crumbled Ethiopia," Debertsion warned the MPs. He did not elaborate on why he felt such a step will enable the TPLF to avoid responsibility after nearly three decades of rule over Ethiopia, which many people blame for the ethnic division in Ethiopia today.
Currently, there is relative peace in many parts of Ethiopia except in Oromia region of western Ethiopia as support rallies for Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and the ruling Prosperity Party are held in different parts of the country. There are several regional organizations planning to contest that region in the upcoming elections, including the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), and the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC).
Debretsion also spoke about the historical relationship between the Tigray region and neighboring Eritrea and recalled that the people of the two were buried together while fighting the Derg regime.
In his message to the people of Eritrea, Debertsion said TPLF had a firm stand on the right to freedom of the Eritrean people despite accusations and opposition from different political forces.
The TPLF Chair blamed some political forces for conspiring war between the peoples of Eritrea and Tigray even though he did not mention the political forces by name.
Debretsion also accused Addis Ababa and Asmara of shutting refugee centers and denying access for new Eritrean migrants in Ethiopia.
The deputy president recalled the cultural, language and common history between the peoples of Tigray and Eritrea, who he said will by no means enter into a conflict.
TPLF Chair Announces Intentions to Declare Independence if Campaign Against Tigray Persists
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