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Eritrean president received Ethiopian Ambassador Credentials

Ethiopian Ambador Redwan Hussein with President Isaias Afwerki

Eritrean president received Ethiopian Ambassador Credentials

By Borkena

Eritrean President Isaias Afeworki, received on Wednesday the credentials of Ethiopian Ambassador to Eritrea, Redwan Hussien.

It was Eritrea’s Minister of Information, Yemane Gebremeskel, disclosed on his twitter page that the Eritrean President has accepted the credentials of Ambassadors from 21 countries, including Ethiopia.

” President Isaias Afwerki received today the credentials of resident Ambassadors of Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Germany, the United Kingdom, India, the European Union, Egypt & South Africa respectively. All in all 29 resident & non-resident Ambassadors are submitting their credentials, ” he said.

Redwan Hussien, who formerly served as Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Ireland -among other roles, was appointed as Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Eritrea in July of 2018 after the administration of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed introduced a rapprochement policy towards Eritrea which ended decades of no-peace-no-war relation.

Ethiopia and Eritrea have signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in a range of areas but a formal agreement and implementation guidelines are still in the pipeline.

Despite reports that the borders between the two countries is not fully open, Ethiopian Airlines is carrying out scheduled flights to Asmara for over a year now.

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