The illegal, unjust and shameful US diplomat engineered sanctions against Eritrea to be lifted today
In 2009, Susan Rice, the then U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, and her close friend, the late Ethiopian Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, hatched a plan to sanction Eritrea on the false pretext of supporting the terrorist group al-Shabab in Somalia. Today, those illegal, shameful and unethical sanctions against Eritrea will be lifted.
BECON Press Release
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BECON Press Release
November, 14, 2018
The illegal, unjust and shameful US diplomat engineered sanction is scheduled to be lifted today, 14 November 2018 after failing miserably to protect the TPLF criminals and imploding or exploding Eritrea.
It was in 2009 and again in 2011 that UN Security Council undermined its own guiding principles of world peace and security only to succumb to the vindictive agenda of powerful US politicians by imposing the unjust and illegal sanction.
Without a shred of a doubt, the sanctions were based on fabricated stories concocted in Washington and the notorious security offices in Addis Ababa. The engineers of the sanctions were aiming not only to impose and embolden the sick, corrupt and criminal TPLF clique in Ethiopia but also make them dominant fixture in the Horn of Africa.
So under the guise of fighting terrorism and using sanction as a tool, some members of UNSC galvanised the world to undermine and isolate Eritrea, suffocate and choke its nascent economy, tarnish its image and engineer unrest and mayhem.
There were neither legal grounds nor peace and security for the imposition or maintenance of the sanctions against Eritrea.
Never in its history, had Eritrea posed a threat. Throughout its history, Eritrea and its people have always been victims of world hegemony and regional war lords. It was a travesty of justice to see UNSC impose sanction in 2009 and 2011 on a country whose sovereign territory occupied by instigators of the sanctions. Let us also not forget the sanction was imposed on Eritrea while the people of Eritrea in unison was calling UNSC to assist in bringing peace.
In just 70 years of its history, the UN has wronged the Eritrea people two times.
And in both cases it required valour, steadfastness and sacrifices of Eritrean people to challenge and the UN bring it to its senses.
In unison with other Eritreans in the world, British Eritrean has been actively engaged in exposing the political nature of the sanction, its role in undermining Eritrea and its sovereignty, its negative role in Eritrea economic development, and showing how it is fuelling human traffickers and crippling Eritreans livelihood.
BECON would like to take this opportunity to express its gratitude and admiration to all Eritrean in general and British Eritreans in particular for their successful campaign against this evil sanction and would like to commend Eritrea government for guiding us in that trouble time and again history has vindicated all who stand and confronted the injustices and wrongs.
Victory to the Masses!
Issued by British Eritrean Community Organisation Network (BECON)
For Immediate release
Ahmed Mohammed Mahmud
The illegal, unjust and shameful US diplomat engineered sanctions against Eritrea to be lifted today
Reviewed by Admin
8:06 AM

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