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Ethiopian Government and OLF sign Reconciliation Agreement

OLF signed a Reconciliation Agreement with Ethiopian government 

Ethiopian Government and OLF sign Reconciliation Agreement

By Shabait

Asmara, 07 August 2018- The Federal Republic of Ethiopia and the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) have signed a Reconciliation Agreement today, 7 August in Asmara.

The Reconciliation Agreement was signed by the President of the Oromia Region, Mr. Lemma Megersa on the Ethiopian side and by Mr. Dawd Ibsa on the OLF side.
Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu was present at the signing event.

The Reconciliation Agreement includes termination of hostilities and the OLF to conduct its political activities in Ethiopia through peaceful means. The two sides also agreed to establish joint committee that will oversee the implement the agreement.

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