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Response of Eritrean Seventh Day Adventists to the Erroneous Story of ERENA.

Seventh Day Adventist Church - BDHO Avenue Asmara, Eritrea. (Photo Credit:

Response of Eritrean Seventh Day Adventists to the Erroneous Story of ERENA.

In today’s information age, it is highly recommended that the public takes proper scrutiny on an unverified and false narratives coming out from unreliable sources.

In its latest post, Radio ERENA, on July 18, 2018, published on its website the picture of the building that belongs to The Seventh Day Adventist [SDA] Church in Asmara, which was designed to disseminate false stories and impressions, without verification, about the church’s situation in Eritrea.

To highlight some of its erroneous assertions, the Eritrean Seventh Day Adventists in North America and Eritrea would like to emphasize the following:

  1. The Seventh Day Adventist Church in Eritrea does not have a single imprisoned member in Eritrea. Thus, publishing the Asmara SDA Church’s picture to substantiate fictitious stories for political agenda is totally unethical and an unacceptable.

  2. The Seventh Day Adventist Church is not a Pentecostal denomination and has no affiliation, whatsoever, with other Pentecostal Churches in Eritrea.

  3. The members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in the Diaspora and inside Eritrea strongly condemn the false story. They also ask the editors of ERENA to stop the use of the picture of the SDA Church Building in Asmara. We understand the picture was put without the permission of the leaders of the church.

  4. We ask Radio ERENA to remove immediately the picture of the SDA Church building from its website and recant the story of prisoners of SDA Church members.

The Eritrean Seventh Day Adventist Church Members of North America.

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Response of Eritrean Seventh Day Adventists to the Erroneous Story of ERENA. Reviewed by Admin on 12:10 AM Rating: 5

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