Eritrea: Eid Al Fitr celebrated nationwide
Eid Al Fitr celebrated nationwide
By Shabait
Eid Al-Fitr Al-Mubarek was celebrated with enthusiasm nationwide today, 15 June.
At the celebration held at the Bahti Meskerem Square here in Asmara in which senior Government and PFDJ, members of the Diplomatic Corps, religious leaders and a number of the faithful took part, salat led by Sheik Salem Ibrahim Al Muktar, General Secretary of the Central Office of Eritrean Eftae ad Islamic Affairs, was conducted.
Speaking at the event, Sheik Ibrahim gave briefing on the meaning of the Ramadan fasting and congratulated the Eritrean people in general and the followers of the Islamic faith in particular and the Eritrean Defense Forces.
Sheik Ibrahim also said the Eritrean Independence has been realized through the heavy human and material sacrifice of its people and that safeguarding the national sovereignty is the responsibility of every citizen. He also called on citizens to strengthen their unity and harmony.

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