Did the CDC Cause the West African Ebola Pandemic?

Did the CDC Cause the West African Ebola Pandemic?
By Thomas C. Mountain
For years now Liberian journalists have been digging into how the Center for Disease Control based in the USA was at the epicenter of how the Ebola virus suddenly appeared in the west African country of Liberia in 2014.
What they have confirmed so far is that for at least a year before the Ebola outbreak the CDC had been operating a “research laboratory” that at various times had been studying live Ebola virus samples.
At the Atlanta research facilities of the CDC Ebola is treated with the respect it deserves, and all solid waste is incinerated in state of the art kilns and liquid waste has its own treatment facility.
Not so in Liberia before the Ebola outbreak. The Liberian investigation has found evidence that the CDC solid waste disposal was handled off site by private contractors who supposedly burned it all in a enclosed incinerator. This was not the case, for the investigation uncovered how Ebola research solid waste, including “sharps” or needles, were dumped in garbage dumps across the capital
of Monrovia, Liberia.
With hundreds if not thousands of Liberians making a living scavenging these refuse piles it was just a matter of time that someone would get stuck by an Ebola laced hypodermic needle, and voila, an epidemic of a lethal virus never before found in west Africa could have exploded on the scene.
Of course it may not have been the solid waste from the CDC research laboratory, it could just as easily have come from the liquid waste generated there. The investigation uncovered that the drains at the CDC laboratories were no different really than the rest of Liberia, a country where the capital didnt have electricity never mind running water. From the laboratory pipes to ditches to a stream where people bathed, washed their dishes and clothes and even took drinking water from…there was no modern liquid waste containment, let alone treatment for what was flushed from the deadly “research” being conducted on the cheap by the CDC in Liberia.
The World Health Organization and other CDC breathren have only been able to come up with “Eating Infected Bats Brought Ebola to Liberia”, sort of how AIDS got started in Africa by “natives eating monkeys”. Of course no one has come up with any evidence on how bats somehow travelled 600 kilometers from the Congo to west Africa for the first time in history?
Who knows, maybe bats did bring Ebola, but one thing Liberian journalists have uncovered is that the CDC did bring live Ebola virus to Liberia to study at least a year before the outbreak and didnt bother bringing the modern sanitation disposal systems needed to prevent the virus escaping. Of course, like how the UN brought Cholera to Haiti, deny, deny, deny, made easier by wild claims from the likes of Jeff Rense and others of the Alex Jones temperment.
With Ebola suddenly reappearing in the Congo, and a new vaccine being tested for the first time in extensive trials on humans, just what awaits the Congolese guinea pigs years from now after the flood of WHO, CDC et al have long gone home after declaring the Ebola epidemic conquered is something journalists on the ground, like those in LIberia and the last Ebola outbreak, will have to uncover.
Thomas C. Mountain is an independent journalist in Eritrea living and reporting from here since 2006. See thomascmountain on Facebook or best reach him at thomascmountain at g mail dot com
Did the CDC Cause the West African Ebola Pandemic?
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3:59 AM

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