Can resignation vs. appointed of Prime Minister Result a right angle leadership in Ethiopia?
Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed
Can resignation vs. appointed of Prime Minister Result a right angle leadership in Ethiopia?
By Mezekir Habte
It has been a month since swearing of new Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. This just one month becomes a hub for visits dissatisfaction places in the country, meeting with presidents in his visit of Africa and meetings with different delegations. In less than 30 days Abiy becomes as busy as bee in national and continental tour. He seems he find the key to closed country solutions in the roads of the tour. Consideration of his first starting particularly and his departure of presidency in Ethiopia’s political and economic bad being led you to big questions. Is the beginning tour seemed heals grievances of the Oromo which is the pivotal reason for the country’s political crises? Can the age of Abiy begin Renaissance era of Ethiopia political and economic unity? And the biggest question of all is; does the resignation of former and election of new prime minister have the ability to led Ethiopian four-directional crises to revival? The current situation in association with history-based facts can give a real image of a far past, recent past and present cracked East African nation, Ethiopia.
Back then to history
History never repeats; as many academics argue on this statement. There occurs similarity- but never a copy. It can be a prophecy for the future, a teacher for generations and a basis for the current scenes. All citizens, nations and partially environments are not free from historical scars. As a result the on-going political procedures are the products of historical inputs. And equally history is the most truthful witness. Court cases return a verdict after its previous or past observations. In such history served as best trusted maid of witness. In this explanation history can’t neglect Ethiopia and its people from its irrigational witness system.
History indicates that the Oromo are one of the earliest people who inhabited south part of Ethiopia as early as 16th century. South western Ethiopia which includes south of river Abay and west of the head waters of webi shabelle were occupied by the Sidama before the invasion of the Galla. As far back as 16th century the gala (a calling name for Oromo) used the Word Sidama for one person who is a Christian. And the word Galo means stranger for the Sidama. This call exchanging or interaction shows that Oromo together with their culture are the antiques of Ethiopia. From 15th and 16th century the Oromo started to open locations of permanent settlement in parts of Ethiopia. Beginning from that time Oromo lived and survived alongside many hardships which happened up on them by different conquerors and kings of the country to maintain their culture, land and identity. Also start from the early 19th century making of Modern Ethiopia the Oromo became vulnerable to government’s prejudicial treatment. Consecutive regimes repressed them. The empire of Haileslassie (1930-1974) banned all political parties, Mengstu Hailemarian introduced single party governance and the latest and current government who is entitled as EPRDF did not encounter real oppositions from early 1990s and misrepresented the ethnic based federal leadership structure. Any government who is in power in Addis Ababa tries to preoccupy them as they are keystone in the country by owning the capital Addis Ababa and its surroundings through origin of history.
Ownership of native’s land is not a problem as the government has the authority to exercise in the whole country and as many countries own and do things on lands of different natives. But in Ethiopia the obstacle comes with the government’s gambling plays-abandoning benefits of native’s land for natives. Despite of their deprivation, they are exposed to lack of social services, quotient of the capital’s GDP and inattention of growth-oriented policy.Different oppositional movements like OLF started their struggle against the government when they are deprived of their land and misrepresented.
In-Colonial legacy on Oromo
Dates are important symbols in human life as well as in political history. No today’s world affair describe without numbers, especially in politics; like number of votes, veto power, population density, independence day, president’s term and many more likes’. Illustration ably; an independence day is a great day and a special number of calendars in all countries.
As Ethiopia has never fall in to colonization of outside powers, Independence Day may carry a matte meaning in the country. The epoch of the newly elected prime minister may declare Independence Day in Ethiopia, because of indirect colonization rule in that country. How many have ever noticed that partial Ethiopia faced and is facing colonization by its own sons?
Colonization is simply oppression, grabbing of fertile land and exploitation of other natural resources by foreigners.The definition and doings of colonizers can occur inside a free country by its leaders. So colonization is a coin appears with two faces; one with foreigners, the other with insiders or citizens. The other side of a coin with insiders accorded exactly with EPRDF. The ethnic federal system of governance can’t give a shelter of resource allocation, equal political representation, social status and Oromo region reached social services.Either from their ancestral land Addis Ababa or economic blessings represents, advantaged orprotect Oromo. Exploitation of non-renewable natural resources, environmental damage as well as pollution and dearthof farm lands loaded as layers of burden up on Oromo. During early times Oromo also served as slaveries on their own origin. All such brutality greatly resembles colonialism. They became servants and refugees in their own land by their brothers in the expense of theirs and their resources.
Waving protests
Like Arab spring mass protests blow away in Ethiopia. Arab spring brought changes in countries which were home to that protest mainly resignation and removal of leaders. Exactly like in Ethiopia prime minister resigned as an outcome of protests.
Oromo protest is not new phenomena in those past three years. The 2015 afterward protest may become extensive, well organized and non-stop. It has to be recalled that the 2005 Ethiopian parliamentary election repel Oromo. That times election was a closed tigryan electoral circuit. Oromo didn’t represent. Their demands couldn’t supply. Generally the election was tricky which allows domination for Meles Zenawi. From November 2005 to May 2006 people demonstrate in Addis Ababa and towns across the country. Tens of thousands detained and killed by security forces and non-Oromo police. That protest closed its chapter in this way.
The premier cause for post November 2015 protests is the so called ‘Integrated Regional Development Plan for Addis Ababa and the Surrounding Oromia Region’. This project is a thought of EPRDF for 25 years; to expand the capital to its periphery. It covers 1.1 million hectares of land (almost twenty fold of the current size of Addis Ababa). These expanding leave Oromo farmers starved. Oromo university students started their protest march on April 2014 after the municipality announcement for the plan. Following those students other Oromo began to join and create solidarity of against discrimination mass protest. On January 2016 the government announced that it canceled the plan. But protests can’t slow down. Even though the government used different harassing methods to halt the protest, it couldn’t.
Behind stage of protest
Mass protest can’t rise up suddenly or shortly to high level. Its source can experience length of time. Oromo began to protest after many years of murmur shaking. Deeply the protest stands for political representation, economic growth, use of their own land, getting a sight in social services and survival of identity as well as culture.They had lived with their grievances for years. They treat like second class citizens. Even if Addis Ababa wouldn’t expand, Oromo can’t get peace of mind. Political representation, balance represented military ship, economic gains, respected religion, culture and identity, more place in security, holding of farming lands; including equal number in cabinet can heal their injuries.
In the era of new Oromo prime minister
Appointed of prime minister from grievance people is like changing the colors of writing but not the contents of writing. The key is not in which ethnic group become prime minister instead in who has the ability to share resources and create unity among diverse Ethiopian society. Abiy accepted their problems and promised them to bring change in his national tour. If he wouldn’t take any measurable solutions, his listening could be like hearing sight of a deaf. The backbone and robust decision makers in EPRDF governmental administration are Tgryans. Tigryans who are in office can’t accept political as well as economic cure of the Oromo as they want balanced political representation and economic equity. Events like moyale shootings by government soldiers on March, moyale ethnic clash on May and protests against government’s renewal of license for a mining company are the clues for the country’s still stay in chaos and rage. Not only Oromo also Amhara and other ethnic have dissatisfaction attitude toward EPRDF. Indeed deeply rooted changes that involve all groups fairly and equally in all representations can bring back tilted fallen country, Ethiopia. If not the timeframe of new prime minister would be a la-la land for hope of goodness.
Back then to history
History never repeats; as many academics argue on this statement. There occurs similarity- but never a copy. It can be a prophecy for the future, a teacher for generations and a basis for the current scenes. All citizens, nations and partially environments are not free from historical scars. As a result the on-going political procedures are the products of historical inputs. And equally history is the most truthful witness. Court cases return a verdict after its previous or past observations. In such history served as best trusted maid of witness. In this explanation history can’t neglect Ethiopia and its people from its irrigational witness system.
History indicates that the Oromo are one of the earliest people who inhabited south part of Ethiopia as early as 16th century. South western Ethiopia which includes south of river Abay and west of the head waters of webi shabelle were occupied by the Sidama before the invasion of the Galla. As far back as 16th century the gala (a calling name for Oromo) used the Word Sidama for one person who is a Christian. And the word Galo means stranger for the Sidama. This call exchanging or interaction shows that Oromo together with their culture are the antiques of Ethiopia. From 15th and 16th century the Oromo started to open locations of permanent settlement in parts of Ethiopia. Beginning from that time Oromo lived and survived alongside many hardships which happened up on them by different conquerors and kings of the country to maintain their culture, land and identity. Also start from the early 19th century making of Modern Ethiopia the Oromo became vulnerable to government’s prejudicial treatment. Consecutive regimes repressed them. The empire of Haileslassie (1930-1974) banned all political parties, Mengstu Hailemarian introduced single party governance and the latest and current government who is entitled as EPRDF did not encounter real oppositions from early 1990s and misrepresented the ethnic based federal leadership structure. Any government who is in power in Addis Ababa tries to preoccupy them as they are keystone in the country by owning the capital Addis Ababa and its surroundings through origin of history.
Ownership of native’s land is not a problem as the government has the authority to exercise in the whole country and as many countries own and do things on lands of different natives. But in Ethiopia the obstacle comes with the government’s gambling plays-abandoning benefits of native’s land for natives. Despite of their deprivation, they are exposed to lack of social services, quotient of the capital’s GDP and inattention of growth-oriented policy.Different oppositional movements like OLF started their struggle against the government when they are deprived of their land and misrepresented.
In-Colonial legacy on Oromo
Dates are important symbols in human life as well as in political history. No today’s world affair describe without numbers, especially in politics; like number of votes, veto power, population density, independence day, president’s term and many more likes’. Illustration ably; an independence day is a great day and a special number of calendars in all countries.
As Ethiopia has never fall in to colonization of outside powers, Independence Day may carry a matte meaning in the country. The epoch of the newly elected prime minister may declare Independence Day in Ethiopia, because of indirect colonization rule in that country. How many have ever noticed that partial Ethiopia faced and is facing colonization by its own sons?
Colonization is simply oppression, grabbing of fertile land and exploitation of other natural resources by foreigners.The definition and doings of colonizers can occur inside a free country by its leaders. So colonization is a coin appears with two faces; one with foreigners, the other with insiders or citizens. The other side of a coin with insiders accorded exactly with EPRDF. The ethnic federal system of governance can’t give a shelter of resource allocation, equal political representation, social status and Oromo region reached social services.Either from their ancestral land Addis Ababa or economic blessings represents, advantaged orprotect Oromo. Exploitation of non-renewable natural resources, environmental damage as well as pollution and dearthof farm lands loaded as layers of burden up on Oromo. During early times Oromo also served as slaveries on their own origin. All such brutality greatly resembles colonialism. They became servants and refugees in their own land by their brothers in the expense of theirs and their resources.
Waving protests
Like Arab spring mass protests blow away in Ethiopia. Arab spring brought changes in countries which were home to that protest mainly resignation and removal of leaders. Exactly like in Ethiopia prime minister resigned as an outcome of protests.
Oromo protest is not new phenomena in those past three years. The 2015 afterward protest may become extensive, well organized and non-stop. It has to be recalled that the 2005 Ethiopian parliamentary election repel Oromo. That times election was a closed tigryan electoral circuit. Oromo didn’t represent. Their demands couldn’t supply. Generally the election was tricky which allows domination for Meles Zenawi. From November 2005 to May 2006 people demonstrate in Addis Ababa and towns across the country. Tens of thousands detained and killed by security forces and non-Oromo police. That protest closed its chapter in this way.
The premier cause for post November 2015 protests is the so called ‘Integrated Regional Development Plan for Addis Ababa and the Surrounding Oromia Region’. This project is a thought of EPRDF for 25 years; to expand the capital to its periphery. It covers 1.1 million hectares of land (almost twenty fold of the current size of Addis Ababa). These expanding leave Oromo farmers starved. Oromo university students started their protest march on April 2014 after the municipality announcement for the plan. Following those students other Oromo began to join and create solidarity of against discrimination mass protest. On January 2016 the government announced that it canceled the plan. But protests can’t slow down. Even though the government used different harassing methods to halt the protest, it couldn’t.
Behind stage of protest
Mass protest can’t rise up suddenly or shortly to high level. Its source can experience length of time. Oromo began to protest after many years of murmur shaking. Deeply the protest stands for political representation, economic growth, use of their own land, getting a sight in social services and survival of identity as well as culture.They had lived with their grievances for years. They treat like second class citizens. Even if Addis Ababa wouldn’t expand, Oromo can’t get peace of mind. Political representation, balance represented military ship, economic gains, respected religion, culture and identity, more place in security, holding of farming lands; including equal number in cabinet can heal their injuries.
In the era of new Oromo prime minister
Appointed of prime minister from grievance people is like changing the colors of writing but not the contents of writing. The key is not in which ethnic group become prime minister instead in who has the ability to share resources and create unity among diverse Ethiopian society. Abiy accepted their problems and promised them to bring change in his national tour. If he wouldn’t take any measurable solutions, his listening could be like hearing sight of a deaf. The backbone and robust decision makers in EPRDF governmental administration are Tgryans. Tigryans who are in office can’t accept political as well as economic cure of the Oromo as they want balanced political representation and economic equity. Events like moyale shootings by government soldiers on March, moyale ethnic clash on May and protests against government’s renewal of license for a mining company are the clues for the country’s still stay in chaos and rage. Not only Oromo also Amhara and other ethnic have dissatisfaction attitude toward EPRDF. Indeed deeply rooted changes that involve all groups fairly and equally in all representations can bring back tilted fallen country, Ethiopia. If not the timeframe of new prime minister would be a la-la land for hope of goodness.
Can resignation vs. appointed of Prime Minister Result a right angle leadership in Ethiopia?
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12:01 AM

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