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France’s Macron to organize summit on terrorism, Iran’s role and Red Sea safety matters

France’s Macron to organize summit on terrorism, Iran’s role and Red Sea safety matters

By Yosief Abraham Z

France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, asserted his country’s readiness to hold a vital summit on Iran’s alleged role in Middle-East and its repercussions. In this summit, which is scheduled to be conducted in April of this New Year, expects to unfold Iran’s destabilizing role in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. “As political rifts in Lebanon and Qatar’s row with the Arab-quartet have already posed evident challenges in the region, Iran has to curb its unsupportive and notorious interventions,” told the president’s palace affair secretary to media bodies.

In time where Yemen’s chaotic war is hammering down the country to deep morasses of carnage and instability, Horn Africa countries have been troubled with the ongoing situation. The Saudi-led forces slam Iran for exacerbating the war for its own religion-shrouded politics and supporting the Houthis rebels’ part in jeopardizing security of southern part of the Red Sea.

“When Iran was brewing uncountable financial power to its supporters without any border, economy matters were worsening in home; and now, this week’s protest is believed to be rebuked by Iranian fundamentalism to fix economy challenges. Indeed, for Tehran, feeding destabilizers have been its aim. And now, voices for economy empowerment are engulfing the country,” Frederick Chiek expressed his concern to Isola Verde edition on Friday, January 5 of 2018.

It is recalled that Yemen’s instability has posed remarkable challenge on southern part of the Red Sea; and here, Iran and Saudi-led forces trade allegations over the disastrous war. “The coming session in April will be tuned with framing abiding agreement on Iran thereby to oppress its negative interventions,” assured Macron’s office after dealing with Turkey’s president, Receip Erdogan on Friday, January 5 of 2018.

Yosief Abraham Z is a freelance journalist and Executive Director to Media and Art Center. You can contact him at

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