‘Expecting ‘Catastrophe Protest’ in Asmara in 2018’: ENN on New Year (Part 1)
‘Expecting ‘Catastrophe Protest’ in Asmara in 2018’: ENN on New Year (Part 1)
By Yosief Abraham Z
“Isaias’s regime seems surpassed the challenge posed over him, for first time in 26 years, by protesters on 31 October of 2017 strenuously. What would happen, in this New Year, armored and reinforced is ahead of us.” Ethiopian News Network (ENN) on January 1 of 2018
“Therefore, to those who believe that Asmara’s 31 October 2017 incident is something, in comparison with what Eritrea has been passing, it is not of religious extremism, nor political incident. It is just a confusion that happened because of miscomprehension in implementing proclamations.”
Though I have neither the willingness nor idle time to chase after every defamatory news anchors from Addis Ababa and other quarters in different countries against Eritreans, aside of what Ethiopia News Network (ENN) has attempted to campaign for more tragic consequences in 2018 on its ‘Ziena TinTane(Analysis)’ program on January 1 of 2018, I would like to shed-light on a few points:
Implementation of Proclamation 73/1995:
Under the guidance of the then Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Ali Said Abdela, Eritrea’s government publicized the proclamation 73/1995 on July 23 of 1995. According to this legal document decree, in addition to the clear border between religious institutions and state, the document apparently emphasize religious institutions to avoid carrying or architecting ‘religion-centered’ intervention on any government-run educational domains. And this was agreed by the then Eritrean religious heads, including His Holiness 1st Phillipos, First Head and Patriarch of Eritrea’s Autocephalous Oriental Orthodox Tewahdo Church; Abune Zekarias Berhane, Pope of Eritrea’s Catholic Eparchy; Reverend Mehari, President of Eritrea’s Evangelical Church; and Shiek Al-Amin Osman, Mufti of Eritrea.
Therefore, abided by this proclamation, the Catholics Institute of Religious Studies (IRS) in Villagio Genio, Asmara; the Holy Trinity Non-Chalcedonians Theology College of the Orthodox Church in Edaga Hamus in the capital; Islamic Schools in Ghindae, Keren and Asmara, and yet, Saint Joseph, Saint Lucia, Saint Mary Orthodox Cathedral and others are, continuing their teaching processes underpinned by the guidance of the Ministry of Education. This was not, is not, and wouldn’t be, any new phenomenon to any party. Here, therefore, the government has the responsibility of excelling educational process for national unity and priority.
_________________Yosief Abraham Z is a freelance journalist and Excecutive Director of HorMid Media and Art Center. You can contact him at josiabraham29@gmail.com
‘Expecting ‘Catastrophe Protest’ in Asmara in 2018’: ENN on New Year (Part 1)
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