Eritrea: Why Aljazeera’s provocation and reasons of aggravations are ‘true’…?

Why Aljazeera’s provocation and reasons of aggravations are ‘true’…?
By Yosief Abraham Z
When the Doha based Qatar’s Aljazeera resorted into airing on ‘Egypt military assistance to Eritrea and their arrival to military camp in Sawa’ on January 2 of 2018, many have been surprised, while for others it was only an incitement to hot media squabbles. In addition to the reluctance by the media center for clarifying on the news substances, the following points are, indeed, the reasons for Aljazeera’s vehement fabrication on Eritrea:
Rejection to correct the footages on ‘Toxic Truth:’ When fabricated sanction on Eritrea by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1907 was adopted on December 23, 2009, one of the perverted references was the ‘Toxic Truth’ entitled documentary on its ‘people and power’ program. Back then, as freelance journalist to ‘Eritrea Profile’ newspaper, I relentlessly tried to challenge Aljazeera to correct the skewed lines as the documentary amplifies ‘smuggled arms’ contents.
Over that, Aljazeera’s rejection to Ali Mahdi Muhammad, former interim president of Somalia (from 1991-1997), to exercise his right of reply for he was alleged by the media led into confrontation; and this dynamically helped the provocateurs against Eritrea to succeed in imposing the sanction. Therefore, for Aljazeera, defaming targeted countries and escalating punitive actions over them is ‘true.’
‘Eritrea supports—financially and militarily—to Tamil Tigers: Two years before the ‘Toxic Truth’ perversion, back in 2007, a few individuals from Aljazeera were honed in amplifying that Eritrea ‘is assisting the Tamil Tigers fighters in Sri Lanka.’ Based on such unsubstantiated reports, the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (USSFRC) warned Eritrea of ‘aiding’ the Tamil Tiger fighters. Instead of correcting the matters, Eritrea and Norway slammed as ‘Evil of Axis’ by Asia Tribune and this had led to other ideological rows with Norway.
In the report that Eritrea and Norway were pushing the war in Sri Lanka scandalously included the name of Erik Solheim, former minister of International Development of Norway, for working hard to armor the support of Norway to Tamil Tigers through Erik Solheim and Eritrea. As the Ethiopian based ‘Jimma Times’ and Aljazeera’s two-three men were behind the continuous fabrications, Erik Solheim requested to have an opportunity to clarify on the raised issues. Aljazeera’s crew in South East Asia and Jimma Times closed their aisles and Eritrea was punished through developmental sabotages for the unfounded allegations on the following years. Outraged by the treatment, Norway’s Foreign Ministry released press-statement that his cabinet member—Erik Solheim-- was not in any kind of such notorious engagements. But for Jimma Times and Aljazeera’s crew, this was, and is, ‘true.’
“Violating the Oath at Special Operations Command Central of USA:” If countries started shifting policies, partners also start reversing, accordingly, their short and long-term strategies. Back in 2001, Eritrea took-part in the exclusive symposium of the Special Operations Command Central of USA, which was held from July 7-14 in the state of Florida. Headed by General Sebhat Efriem and Major General Haile Samuel, Eritrea agreed back then on the conclusions by the symposium participants these to avoid states from supporting any sectarian and religious politics, among others like security and military affairs.
But many, included to Aljazeera’s crew in Hebron and others, were blaming Eritrea for its ‘stealth agreement to serve as ‘black Israel’ in Horn Africa; even some of them—crafted by an ‘Eritrean activist’ to Aljazeera website—have replicated such claims as credited. Very mesmerizing here, however, at the special operations symposium in Florida, Djibouti, Bahrain, Qatar, Egypt, Kuwait, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, were the participants. Therefore, this was a good falsified bargaining ‘truth’ to Aljazeera and its affiliates.
“Revenging against Egypt:” Of the world countries, Egypt is the most critical opponent of Aljazeera. And this was testified when Cairo incarcerated, on December 29 of 2013, three journalists working for the Qatari-based international news channel Al Jazeera English. Not confined by this, on 29 January 2014, Egyptian authorities were on their bench to charge other twenty journalists belonging to Al Jazeera.
Of the numerous disagreements, Egypt accused Aljazeera’s journalists of falsifying news and having a negative impact on overseas perceptions of the country. Being part of renowned notorious terrorist organizations—the Moslem brotherhood—and manipulating affairs in the country for polarizing the country into heightened tensions and for creating civil-strife, were also part of the concerning issues. Therefore, if it is possible, using Eritrea as Trojan horse for Sudan—UAE—Egypt circles and then again to wrath UAE and Egypt for their ongoing rows over Qatar—is ‘truly’ founded objectives for Aljazeera.
The lists are endless; but the fact is one: only outrage and political duplicity is what has been arming Aljazeera with fabrications that its financiers want to see.
Yosief Abraham Z is a freelance journalist and Executive Director to Media and Art Center. You can contact him at
Eritrea: Why Aljazeera’s provocation and reasons of aggravations are ‘true’…?
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