Ethiopian premier to deliver speech to Egypt parliament, Media Continue Wrangling
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi bids farewell to Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn [EPA]
Ethiopian premier to deliver speech to Egypt parliament, Media Continue Wrangling
Yosief Abraham Z is a freelance journalist and Executive Director of HorMid Media and Art Center. You can contact him at
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Ethiopian premier to deliver speech to Egypt parliament, Media Continue Wrangling
By Yosief Abraham Z
Amid hot media amplifications from Egypt following to official visit of Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalegn, recently, to Qatar, Ethiopia announces its premier to deliver ‘significant speech’ to Egypt’s parliamentarians. How the premier would tackle the highly polarized strategic differences between both countries has been the vulnerable battle.
After slamming Egyptians recent intensive media concurrently synchronized allegations for ‘fabricated’ role of Qatar to finance the Great Renaissance Dam (GRD), Ethiopia articulates the absurdity of such motives as the country would not request the favorability of anybody on how to administer and use its natural treasures. Made up of 596 seats, the unicameral parliament of Egypt has been nullifying such elaborations, another political quandary for Hailemariam’s unscheduled speech in this December in Cairo.
Deluged by over forty political parties that frequently attempt to exploit political complications for grasping dominant political cards, river Nile and riparian countries sharing controversies has been the core of many political parties in Egypt. Entangled by its international characteristics, river Nile’s water politics entered new era after Ethiopia initiated constructing the Gran Renaissance Dam on March 31 of 2011.
By obliterating the 1959 Nile Waters Agreement between the Sudan and Egypt for full control utilization of the Nile waters, Ethiopia has been escalating construction of the dam, an obstruction to Egypt and Sudan role of dominancy. Shrouded by demographic impacts in 2025 for Ethiopia population expects to be 127 million, the country claims that it would guarantee all energy requests after the GRD completion.
With 70 million of its people out of effective energy supplies, experts slam Ethiopia’s premier as ‘qualm articulations’ regarding Ethiopia’s readiness to export energy to neighbor countries, including Egypt in north and beyond Kenya to southern part. The premier asserts this on his recent visit to Qatar, a country that is in direct diplomatic and economic row with Egypt.
Remained schismatic on the 21 May of 1997 United Nations Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, the Nile Basin Initiative and other similar agreements, such conventions have been lingered on unknown trends as countries have been weighting such treaties from their own strategic policies.
Yosief Abraham Z is a freelance journalist and Executive Director of HorMid Media and Art Center. You can contact him at
Ethiopian premier to deliver speech to Egypt parliament, Media Continue Wrangling
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