Author Slams Ethiopia’s Historical Landscapes, Comments Boldness to Correct Perversions
Author Slams Ethiopia’s Historical Landscapes, Comments Boldness to Correct Perversions
By Yosief Abraham Z
Author and writer of eight books and listless articles, Tesfaye Ghebreab, denounce Ethiopia’s historical landscapes for its partial travesty. In an interview he held with ‘MenEsey,’ an official magazine of the National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students, Tesfaye elaborate on the role of Imperial Haileselassie in recruiting gold-digging writers, a reason for fortifying the fabricated narrations of ‘Ethiopia’ as great nation and ‘former mother’ of Eritrea.
In this interview to number 56 publication of the magazine, after dismissing the still prevalent stance that Eritrea has been ‘separated’ from Ethiopia, he challenges how a ‘motherland’ would dare activating the registered killings of 24,679 civilians during the thirty years of struggle in Eritrea. In this interview that revolves on his late book ‘Mahder NureBi (Chronicles of Nurebi),’ after commenting our region people to escalate the culture of asking for factual analysis, Tesfaye armors determining role of Eritreans in reshaping historical accounts of Ethiopia.
In a respond to question on Menelik and the Battle of Aduwa by Mukria Weldu, Director of the General Press at Eritrea’s Information Ministry, Tesfaye clarified tremendous and indisputable role of the Oromo in defending their lands and rights. “Though the Aduwa battle has major role in history, Menelik’s action of honoring the captured Italian soldiers and, eccentric to this, amputating Eritreans has to be told. In fact, it is reprehensible to discern that Menelik ordered proper burial for Eritrean and Italian Christians while left the corpses of the cavalry regiments of the Oromo and non-Christians to vultures,” he articulated.
His book ‘Mahder Nurebi’ accounts a century historical accounts of Eritrea by embracing vital and new-references on conspiracies of Ethiopia, famine, slavery and Ethiopian troops marches to paths of ramifications. By including very pillar instances that would open new window into Horn Africa historical landscapes, ‘Mahdere Nurebi’ zooms out that Ethiopian power holders were not only invaders and reckless men of notoriety; beyond that—as the book covers—they were also men of relentless conspiracies, endless paths to security debacles and instability.
Hassen Hussien, writer and assistant professor at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota and Mohammed Ademo, founder and editor of, accentuated “Ethiopia’s failure to acknowledge past wrongs still divides the country. The state’s historical narrative beginning at Aduwa provides the foundation for a nationalist myth that excludes most of Ethiopia’s population and treats the Oromo and other minority group.” In their article entitled ‘Ethiopia’s Original Sin’ in World Policy Journal (Volume 33, Number 3), the writers added “For majority of Oromos and many other ethnic groups in Southern Ethiopia, the 19thc emperor,[Menelik], was a genocidal empire builder.”
This latest book ‘Mahder Nurebi’ is plotted by narrating on Eritrean Nurebi who was internally displaced from Fana—Halhal to Massawa in 1890 thus to escape from the worst famine of that time. Moreover, the history goes until 1990, a year for Eritrea’s triumphant defeat to Ethiopia in Massawa by launching the ‘Fenkil Operation.’
In a letter he sent to HorMid, Sulieman Begasha, designated Tesfaye Ghebreab ‘Ayatollah of Critics,’ more daring person who is now bordered by trilateral battles: waging through his literary works against Ethiopian power segments, remaining trusted to himself and being ready for all retaliatory actions in words and actions.”
Critic column for HorMid, Robel Tesfay, adds “by unfolding the real name of the mother of imperial Haileselassie—Jemila Ali, by opening the mystery that had been shrouded to death incident of Mehari Tekle (Mussie), gangster characteristics of Bereket Simon (former Ethiopian high official) and other listless issues, Tesfaye has won many readers by publishing eight books.”
_______________________Yosief Abraham Z is a freelance journalist and Executive Director of HorMid Media and Art Center. You can contact him at
Author Slams Ethiopia’s Historical Landscapes, Comments Boldness to Correct Perversions
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7:22 AM

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