Saving the Ethiopian Empire
TPLF leaders
Saving the Ethiopian Empire
By: Berhane Woldu
Empire building in Ethiopia started with Emperor Tewodros of Gonder who ended the Ages of princes and ruled from 1855 to 1868 succeeded by Emperor Yohannes IV of Tigraye; followed by Menelik of Shoa who started the invasion to the south specifically the Oromo. King of Shoa Menelik in 1886 conquered the western section from Blue Nile River to Illubabor crossed over the Awash River and invaded the southern plateau of Arsi Oromo and the city of Harar. Ethiopian Empire was created. In 1943 when Emperor Haile Selassie centralizing his power by forming Councils of Ministers from Shoa as advisors to the Throne. According to Bahru Zewde Economic origins of the state of Ethiopia:
His Majesty instituting Abyssinians supremacy ruled the Empire until 1974 when he was toppled by the Marxist regime of Colenel Mengestu Hailemariam. In 1991, led by the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF), took power and created a federal arrangement, satellite representations of the TPLF called it, “Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF)” TPLF or as its locally known “Weyane”, through its divisive governance is endangering the Ethiopian-Empire into Fragmentation. Whilst the divisive approach was designed to ensure longevity of its rule, it is certain that TPLF will fare no better than its predecessor.
Tigray’s self-consciousness and historical grievance against Showa’s rule, neglect and poverty were cause enough to form a nationalist movement. Tigray Woyane believes that Tigray is an oppressed nation entitled to self-determination up to succession.
And as soon as it took control, TPLF, the liberator of Tigraye, imitated Emperor Haile Selassie and Derge. It became the king maker-ruler of Ethiopian Empire and preserved the old system of supremacy.
EPRDF’s governance has preserved the supremacy of the “Center” with the same arrangement “corps of center and peripheral elite” (John Markakis). The EPRDF’s policy of land confiscation of “Highland and lowland periphery” awarding it to the land starved Abyssinian is the major cause of the present upheavals. EPRDF’s rule of “corps of center and peripheral elite” continuing domination in the face of unrelenting revolutionary opposition had led to many political bursts.
EPRDF in 1989, at its first congress falsely promised that “the right of Nations and Nationalities to self-determination up to secession.” However, betraying its own promise, TPLF systematically alienated every legal opposition that was a threat to its political dominance. left with no choice, Nationalist movements mushroomed. ALF, OLF, ONLF are Nationalist movement that are waging war to bring about liberation to their oppressed people.
Looking back at the making of TPLF, one can conclude that the TPLF never intended to form an all-inclusive democratic political system for Ethiopia. As, denial of democratic political platform and economic exploitation has become the cause of strong opposition movements that have raised arms against Woyane. Geinbot Sebate (7), Demihit, Ogaden, Oromo are some with armed wing.
Oromo Peoples Democratic Organization (OPDO) which was part of EPRDF has presently become one of the main opposition inside Ethiopia to Woyane’s domination. The Oromo, Afar, Southern People, Somali, Gambella, Sidama, Beni Shangul, Gomuz and Borona & Guji who are deprived socially, politically and lag on wealth sharing under the Federal system. As result they are waging wars on Woyane to ascertain their right.
The Civil disobedience of 2016 and the present upheavals in the peripheries and Amhara region are a direct result of the misguided oppressive governance of the Woyane minority regime. The Minority regime TPLF unwilling to renounce supremacy and accept equitable power sharing, genuine multi-national and decentralized state has endangered the existence of the Ethiopian Empire bringing the nation to the brink of its downfall. “Waged against determined opposition, it has incited endless conflict staining the country’s history with the blood of generations. Today the struggle continues, and so does the bloodshed and the misery it brings.” J. Markakis Ethiopia The Last Two Frontiers
Ethiopian Minority regime Wayne has monopolized the economic and politics of the Country occupied in the same battles that exhausted its predecessors. Political rift in the “legal opposition” that are inside the country foreshadows yet another crack with unforeseeable consequences. “Legal opposition” is making the same mistakes King Selassie Dergu and Weyane made. Not renouncing supremacy and accept equitable power sharing with the side-line nationalities and loss of the privilege to determine the distribution of national resources. Incoherent as the “legal” opposition may have seemed, it is dominated by nationalist hostile to “ethnic” federalism. J. Markakis
Woyane, in the last 26 years have used the power of money in Ethiopia’s politics to enrich the “Woyane Elite” while their subjects are living in abject poverty and drastic inequalities. Around 90 percent of the population suffers from numerous deprivations and more than 30 million people in the High and lowland periphery still face chronic food shortages with 5.7 million starving (FAO 2017). Woyane elite have lost legitimacy to govern-are in total disarray and fragmented internally. The Empire is about to burst into civil war the only out of this dilemma and danger is for the Woyane regime to respect the desire of the people and hand over power.
More than ever in Ethiopia’s history, Woyane’s Subjugation and betrayal of the people has given reason for self-respecting nationality to boost their membership and amplify their activities. OLF, ONLF, ALF as well as others have the support of their Nationals and it is imperative that these movements play a crucial role in Ethiopia’s future.
Ethiopian opposition parties need to understand a genuine multinational, multi-cultural, decentralized state comes with renouncing the will to dominate. Acknowledging past mistakes, relinquishing power to the Majority, building a legitimate system of government and political integration is the only way to save the Ethiopian Empire moving forward.
Saving the Ethiopian Empire
Reviewed by Admin
10:26 AM

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