Leaked Documents Expose the TPLF’s Charm Offensive Against the Eritrean People
The TPLF's much-touted new policy on Eritrea is to brainwash Eritreans into thinking it cares for them more than their own government. The TPLF's end game for its new policy is to topple the Eritrean government and reverse Eritrea's independence by duping enough Eritreans into blurring the lines of what it means to be an Eritrean. The recent release of the two kidnapped Eritrean journalists who were held without charge for 11 years by the TPLF regime and the promotion of an Eritrean who is a TPLF stooge to head Aljazeera Ethiopia in Addis Ababa are part of its new Eritrea policy of deception.
By Satenaw
Sensing the inevitable outcome of the total rejection of the vast majority of the Ethiopian people across the country, the minority TPLF regime, turns its attention to Eritrea for possible way out of the grave situation, it finds itself. The TPLF views Eritrea, as the main obstacle standing in the way of its national and regional agenda; hence its central strategy has remained the weakening and dismantling of the country.
The TPLF announced that it had finalized a new policy on Eritrea with great show of bravado months ago; however, it has not released the content or given any indication of what this new policy looks like.
Despite remaining silent on the details of the new policy, the TPLF is taking practical measures in this regard.
In the recent weeks, there has been intensive media campaigns about a new initiative, named : “The Song of Peace for the People of Ethiopia and Eritrea” that originate from Addis Ababa. According to these campaigns, the initiative was taken by individual citizens of both countries with the aim of achieving peace through people to people dialogue.
These campaigns also claimed academics, artists and civil society actors from both countries, would be taking part in the “people to people consultations”.
Serwar Information and Research Centre, has received documents from an Ethiopian source that establish all these claims are false; and reveal the real intentions of the TPLF. On this occasion, we will disclose four documents. The three documents are written in Amharic, and the fourth one in English.
The TPLF’s security agency assigned a person named, Abraham Gebrelibanos Lemlem, to organize the program in the name of Celebrity Events. He was issued with a Business license by Addis Ababa City Administration Trade for this purpose.
The license shows the capital of the business, Celebrity Events, as 15,000.00 Birr only. The sector of the business is registered as Supporting and Auxiliary Activities of Travel Agencies. The license was issued few months ago on 12th of May 2017.
The second part of the document is a letter of support and signatures signed by “academics, journalists, writers and artist” from both countries. The letter was signed by 51 Eritreans and 5 Ethiopians.
The letter that was given to them to sign reads : “We, the details of our names listed below -academics, journalists, writers and artists- express the positive thinking and the full support we have, for the planned great panel discussion and music concert that is being prepared and coordinated, by Mr. Abraham Gebrelibanos, Celebrity Events, under the theme “The Song of Peace for the People of Ethiopia and Eritrea” with our signatures below….”
The contents of the other two main documents include, introduction, aim and details of the program. The difference between the two documents should have only been the languages used; however, they are different in content and style. The is mainly, due to the fact that the document that was written in English, was designed to have the appearance of an academic work and could be used for public consumption.
Now Let’s look at the main document that was written in Amharic. The introduction of the document sets in motion by stating “The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia’s Foreign Affairs and Security Policies and Strategies”; which says out of all its neighbouring countries, Ethiopia has the closest relation with Eritrea in terms of history and culture. It goes on mentioning some aspects of the costs of the border war, however, it concludes the people of Eritrea have suffered most of the damage.
The introduction section of the document, is designed to construct a narrative centred on the suffering of Eritrean people in particular the numbers of people leaving the country. After pouring its heart out about the suffering of the Eritrean people, it goes on to blame the Eritrean President and the PFDJ; and presents itself as a guardian and defender of the Eritrean people.
It attempts to back these claims by the refugee camps that it has provided for Eritreans and allowing them to travel to other countries. It also states the opportunities it afforded to Eritreans: “allowing them to learn in the universities and colleges for free; returned their properties that they left, when the war broke out; allowing them to invest in our country; publish their books freely; record and show their films…”
The TPLF continues to blow its own trumpet – washing its hands off its recent crimes against Eritrean people, including the deportation of thousands of Eritreans from Ethiopia, and all its attempts to destabilize the country.
The aim/goal section of the document exposes the TPLF’s propaganda on what it calls “The Song of Peace for the People of Ethiopia and Eritrea” further. The aim is basically to show the Eritreans inside the country and abroad that Ethiopia has opened its doors for them to come to have a roof over their heads, and invest in Ethiopia.
Moreover, the panel discussions and music concerts will aim to showcase the good deeds that “the Ethiopian people and the Ethiopian government” have been doing to support “Eritrea and the Eritrean people”. The claim that this idea was initiated by individuals from both countries, is exposed in this section where it clearly says it was started by the Ethiopian government.
In conclusion, it is clear that the TPLF is not singing about peace for the sake of peace. After, the TPLF’s military adventure failed, and the legal concussion of the Eritrea-Ethiopia border problem was reached – everyone expected peace would come about. However, the policy pursued – by the TPLF with the support of its Western masters- was to hold Eritrea a hostage of the no-war-no-peace situation in a hope it would collapse from economic and political pressures.
They left no stone unturned – employing every means including sanctions, isolating Eritrea diplomatically and encouraging exodus. It is not out of compassion that the TPLF with cooperation of some Western powers, opened refugee camps for Eritreans in Ethiopia; and moved some of them to Europe and the USA. In fact, the TPLF put many people from Tigray in these camps, who were disguised as Eritreans and moved to the Western world – leaving the vast majority of Eritreans in these camps.
Despite having all the heavy burdens to shoulder, Eritrea has thwarted all the enemy attacks. The TPLF’s latest political shenanigan, including claims of having new policy on Eritrea, is a continuation of the same policy dressed up as “the song of peace” in order to neutralize the Eritrean people. The TPLF is also investing heavily on a soft power targeting Eritrean values and history.
The TPLF is losing its grip on the Ethiopian people. The vast majority of people in every part of the country, are resisting its rule in all forms, including through the popular uprising and armed struggle. Moreover, the strategy it has employed to weaken and dismantle Eritrea for years, has not worked.
The TPLF is, therefore, disorientated, and does not see any other way except to continue in the same path of destruction.
The following are the leaked documents:
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By Satenaw
Sensing the inevitable outcome of the total rejection of the vast majority of the Ethiopian people across the country, the minority TPLF regime, turns its attention to Eritrea for possible way out of the grave situation, it finds itself. The TPLF views Eritrea, as the main obstacle standing in the way of its national and regional agenda; hence its central strategy has remained the weakening and dismantling of the country.
The TPLF announced that it had finalized a new policy on Eritrea with great show of bravado months ago; however, it has not released the content or given any indication of what this new policy looks like.
Despite remaining silent on the details of the new policy, the TPLF is taking practical measures in this regard.
In the recent weeks, there has been intensive media campaigns about a new initiative, named : “The Song of Peace for the People of Ethiopia and Eritrea” that originate from Addis Ababa. According to these campaigns, the initiative was taken by individual citizens of both countries with the aim of achieving peace through people to people dialogue.
These campaigns also claimed academics, artists and civil society actors from both countries, would be taking part in the “people to people consultations”.
Serwar Information and Research Centre, has received documents from an Ethiopian source that establish all these claims are false; and reveal the real intentions of the TPLF. On this occasion, we will disclose four documents. The three documents are written in Amharic, and the fourth one in English.
The TPLF’s security agency assigned a person named, Abraham Gebrelibanos Lemlem, to organize the program in the name of Celebrity Events. He was issued with a Business license by Addis Ababa City Administration Trade for this purpose.
The license shows the capital of the business, Celebrity Events, as 15,000.00 Birr only. The sector of the business is registered as Supporting and Auxiliary Activities of Travel Agencies. The license was issued few months ago on 12th of May 2017.
The second part of the document is a letter of support and signatures signed by “academics, journalists, writers and artist” from both countries. The letter was signed by 51 Eritreans and 5 Ethiopians.
The letter that was given to them to sign reads : “We, the details of our names listed below -academics, journalists, writers and artists- express the positive thinking and the full support we have, for the planned great panel discussion and music concert that is being prepared and coordinated, by Mr. Abraham Gebrelibanos, Celebrity Events, under the theme “The Song of Peace for the People of Ethiopia and Eritrea” with our signatures below….”
The contents of the other two main documents include, introduction, aim and details of the program. The difference between the two documents should have only been the languages used; however, they are different in content and style. The is mainly, due to the fact that the document that was written in English, was designed to have the appearance of an academic work and could be used for public consumption.
Now Let’s look at the main document that was written in Amharic. The introduction of the document sets in motion by stating “The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia’s Foreign Affairs and Security Policies and Strategies”; which says out of all its neighbouring countries, Ethiopia has the closest relation with Eritrea in terms of history and culture. It goes on mentioning some aspects of the costs of the border war, however, it concludes the people of Eritrea have suffered most of the damage.
The introduction section of the document, is designed to construct a narrative centred on the suffering of Eritrean people in particular the numbers of people leaving the country. After pouring its heart out about the suffering of the Eritrean people, it goes on to blame the Eritrean President and the PFDJ; and presents itself as a guardian and defender of the Eritrean people.
It attempts to back these claims by the refugee camps that it has provided for Eritreans and allowing them to travel to other countries. It also states the opportunities it afforded to Eritreans: “allowing them to learn in the universities and colleges for free; returned their properties that they left, when the war broke out; allowing them to invest in our country; publish their books freely; record and show their films…”
The TPLF continues to blow its own trumpet – washing its hands off its recent crimes against Eritrean people, including the deportation of thousands of Eritreans from Ethiopia, and all its attempts to destabilize the country.
The aim/goal section of the document exposes the TPLF’s propaganda on what it calls “The Song of Peace for the People of Ethiopia and Eritrea” further. The aim is basically to show the Eritreans inside the country and abroad that Ethiopia has opened its doors for them to come to have a roof over their heads, and invest in Ethiopia.
Moreover, the panel discussions and music concerts will aim to showcase the good deeds that “the Ethiopian people and the Ethiopian government” have been doing to support “Eritrea and the Eritrean people”. The claim that this idea was initiated by individuals from both countries, is exposed in this section where it clearly says it was started by the Ethiopian government.
In conclusion, it is clear that the TPLF is not singing about peace for the sake of peace. After, the TPLF’s military adventure failed, and the legal concussion of the Eritrea-Ethiopia border problem was reached – everyone expected peace would come about. However, the policy pursued – by the TPLF with the support of its Western masters- was to hold Eritrea a hostage of the no-war-no-peace situation in a hope it would collapse from economic and political pressures.
They left no stone unturned – employing every means including sanctions, isolating Eritrea diplomatically and encouraging exodus. It is not out of compassion that the TPLF with cooperation of some Western powers, opened refugee camps for Eritreans in Ethiopia; and moved some of them to Europe and the USA. In fact, the TPLF put many people from Tigray in these camps, who were disguised as Eritreans and moved to the Western world – leaving the vast majority of Eritreans in these camps.
Despite having all the heavy burdens to shoulder, Eritrea has thwarted all the enemy attacks. The TPLF’s latest political shenanigan, including claims of having new policy on Eritrea, is a continuation of the same policy dressed up as “the song of peace” in order to neutralize the Eritrean people. The TPLF is also investing heavily on a soft power targeting Eritrean values and history.
The TPLF is losing its grip on the Ethiopian people. The vast majority of people in every part of the country, are resisting its rule in all forms, including through the popular uprising and armed struggle. Moreover, the strategy it has employed to weaken and dismantle Eritrea for years, has not worked.
The TPLF is, therefore, disorientated, and does not see any other way except to continue in the same path of destruction.
The following are the leaked documents:
TPLF’s New Policy on Eritrea by Anonymous AyrSNdWm on Scribd
Leaked Documents Expose the TPLF’s Charm Offensive Against the Eritrean People
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1:29 AM

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