Hundreds of Eritrean youth participate in forum conference in UK!
Witness of the most unique & fabulous discussion & workshop forum, hundreds of youth participate the conference in UK!
Sheffield 7th October 2017
Eritrea Youth Discussion & Workshop Conference that was held in Sheffield, United Kingdom has concluded with enthusiasm.
The goal of the educational Conference, was designed to harness and build a “Patriotic, Conscious, Youth Movement”, which will build on Eritrea’s past achievements, experiences and safeguard inherited values critical for Eritrea’s desire for a sustainable economic, political and social development. The conference had workshops designed to help youth discuss and debate, learn from each other about their history, heritage and culture, as well as share their professional experiences.
The 300 conference participants and youth representatives, came from London, Birmingham, Manchester, Coventry, Nottingham, Newcastle, Leeds, and Sheffield. The conference was presided by a distinguished Guest of Honour H.E. Estifanos Habtemariam, Ambassador of the state of Eritrea to UK & Ireland, British Eritrean Community Organisation Network, Embassy officials, PFDJ, NUEW, YPFDJ, Warsay, Professionals Youth representatives and invited guests were participating.
Mr. Dayani Sirak, chair of the Conference Organizing Committee presented the opening remarks by welcoming the participants and wishing the conference a success. Mr. Dayani Sirak said that Eritrean youth, cognizant of their responsibilities to safeguard and defend the proud culture and values inherited from the EPLF are participating in this Conference to continue to lay the foundations for achieving Eritrea’s development strategies.
Mr. Merhawi Ghebrehiwet, chairperson of PFDJ Sheffield chapter, gave welcoming speech on behalf of Sheffield Eritrean Community as hosting city and wishing the conference a success. Speaking at the opening ceremony, the chairman of the British Eritrean Community Organisation Network BECON, Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Mahmud stressed the paramount importance of holding the conference in bringing Eritrean youth together. It also has a vital role to play in reinforcing identity and bequeathing cherished societal values to future generations, he added.
Manchester based youth artist presented a musical drama depicting the Eritrean history of struggle for independence and its milestones as part of the opening ceremony. In addition to its entertainment content, the presentation by the youth added to the educational theme of the Conference.
Key note speaker, Eritrean Ambassador of the State of Eritrea to United Kingdom, H.E. Estifanos Habtemariam, gave a seminar, thanking the youth in taking part on the conference and there by updating the participants on current state of affairs.
In a seminar he conducted with the participants of the conference H.E. Estifanos Habtemariam, explained that the Eritrean government is making enormous investment with major focus on the rural area with a view to ensuring social justice and sustainable economic development, and that increased endeavours would be exerted to give added momentum to the nation’s development process. He further pointed out that the country is in a stage where its bright future is becoming progressively evident thanks to the spirit of steadfastness among citizens inside the country and abroad in foiling anti-Eritrean agendas.
He said Eritrea has come through successive obstacles and animosities in the past years and the disguised hostilities against the Eritrean people, and carried on saying that, history is witness of the Eritrean people’s triumph to the fact that they have always prevailed against all odds. With the cultured and rule abiding people and leadership that has progressive and realistic policies, Eritrea has become exemplary that those who have agenda of domination have openly become hostile against the Eritrean people. He expressed conviction to resist, during which the development progress of Eritrea is registering promising results and youth expressing resolve to invest in their country. Ambassador also reminded the youth conference participants that, our biggest responsibility to the Eritrean martyrs is to never compromise Eritrea’s national security.
Following a short introduction the conference continued with a presentation by Ms. Dehab Johar, Lecturer from Birmingham, Dr. Metkel Yebio, share facts on the ground in building human capacity, challenges / opportunities and gave an insightful presentation on their educational experiences. Many youth are suffering from high levels of stress because of the high demands from school, wanting to make their parents proud, fit in among friends, be popular on social media, wanting to get external confirmation of that there are good enough, making time for extra activities, plan and worry for the future.
That is why we have decided to make a difference by sharing our experiences to inspire and help members of the communities and youth & teenagers who are still struggling with the challenges explained Ms. Dehab Johar on her presentation.
Member of YPFDJ-CC Europe, Ms Semhar Gebreab, also gave a presentation on YPFDJ Vision, facts and figures, EPLF / PFDJ values, she eloquently explained the challenges faced and the means used to overcome them, underlined the key role in developing skills, transfer PFDJ values, she said;- the previous generation have done their part and now we want to do our part best to support our Nation.
Mr Suleiman Hasan, Head of the Consular, who made an introductory statement and gave an insight, outlining the purposes of the public campaign being on strengthening organisation, and conspiracies and psychological warfare being waged against the Eritrean people. He also remind participants on looking on the background of the Eritrean struggle on political, cultural, economic, and diplomatic experiences thereby the reshaping of strengthening of these activities on the ever changing dynamics of current affairs and called upon citizens to redouble their efforts to this regard based on the experiences gained so far.
He carried on saying that, history is witness of the Eritrean people’s triumph to the fact that they have always prevailed against all odds. With the cultured and rule abiding people and leadership that has progressive and realistic policies, the psychological warfare taking place reminding that even though the real war is waged on PFDJ members on the grounds but also the entire population being part of the war through psychological warfare.
During the workshops detailed current updates was given clearly, various questions were asked and answered. According to the participants the outcome of the discussions was enlightening and was one that gave an insight into the overall challenges on youth issues in general.
The Annual General Meeting of YPFDJ UK was held in a different hall, YPFDJ chapter leaders, representatives from Manchester, London, Birmingham, Newcastle, Sheffield, Leeds, Nottingham, participated the AGM. The National Board, presented activity reports accomplishments and the participants conducted extensive discussion on the reports and expressed readiness to work for the success of the programs.
The YPFDJ members expressed readiness to exert stepped-up efforts backing national development programs through enhancing their organisation.
Embassy Media
London UK
Hundreds of Eritrean youth participate in forum conference in UK!
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