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UN Secretary-General Meets Foreign Minister of Eritrea

Secretary General Antonio Guterres (right) meets with Osman Mohammed Saleh, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea, Sept 27, 2017. (Credit: UNMultiMeda)

By InnerCityPress

After UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres grip and grin sessions on the UN's 27th floor during UN General Assembly high level week, his meetings and photo ops on September 27 with the foreign ministers of Eritrea and Iran were back on the 38th floor, with USg Jeff Feltman at both meetings. Both countries are subject to sanctions; Iran's Javad Zarif was on his way to speak at the Asia Society. He entered jauntily. Guterres, his spokesman told Inner City Press, is often about "private" diplomacy. Here was his Eritrea read-out:

"The Secretary-General met today with H. E. Mr. Osman Mohammed Saleh, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea. The Secretary-General and the Minister for Foreign Affairs exchanged views on a number of issues, including cooperation between the United Nations and Eritrea, and the peace and security situation in the Horn of Africa region."

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