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Legendary Artist Alamin Abduletif passes away

Alamin Abduletif 1939-2017, RIP
By Shabait | Asmara, 07 August 2017

Legendary Artist Alamin Abduletif passed away today 7th August at the age of 78.

In the early 1960s, Artist Alamin worked with various music groups including Mahber M’Mhyash Hagerawi Lmdi (MAMAHL), Mahber Theatre Asmara (Asmara Theater Association) among others.

Legendary Artist Alamin has produced a number of patriotic songs exposing the subtle ploys of colonial powers and revolutionary songs in Tigrinya and Tigre languages during the struggle for independence. Artist Aalamin became a member of Haraka and later joined the Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF) in 1974.

Artist Alamin who returned from exile to his homeland in the post-independence period made due contribution thorough his music in the national development programs and in safeguarding the national sovereignty.

Artist Alamin is survived by his wife and three children.

The funeral service of the legendary artist Alamin Abduletif will be held at Asmara Patriots Cemetery on Tuesday 8th August at 12:00 AM.

Expressing deep sorrow on the passing away of the legendary artist Alamin Abduletif, the office of PFDJ Cultural Affairs expresses condolence to his family and fans.

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Legendary Artist Alamin Abduletif passes away Reviewed by Admin on 1:56 PM Rating: 5

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