The European Democracy was assassinated in the Netherlands. RIP
Mirjam van Reisen leading the mob to mayhem in order to cancel the peaceful YPFDJ Euro Conference
The European Democracy was assassinated in the Netherlands. RIP
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The European Democracy was assassinated in the Netherlands. RIP
By Daniel Wedi Korbaria
It was all staged.
Having arrived in Holland, the 600 Eritreans from all over Europe, were met in Veldhoven’s NH Hotel by a mob of journalists, television broadcasters and photojournalist, to film and narrate a staged violent protest of about thirty or so pseudo-Eritrean hooligans, overseen by a very sympathetic police force presence.
To the Joy of Dutch media, this tiny group of faceless people shouted outrageously threatening to kill, one by one, all the participants attending the 13th YPFDJ Young Eritreans Conference.
How the media and thugs knew the exact location of the conference, when the organizers did not reveal it to participants, became a mystery. (However,) to disclose the conference venue location to the public, was none other than the Mayor of Veldhoven, Jack Mikkers himself, and did it with neither the organizers’ authorization, nor in consultation with NH Hotels management.
Normally, the conference venue location is never disclosed to the public until the arrival date, so as to prevent the Ethiopian regime from sending its Federation Flag- brandishing henchmen, to do damage. Eritreans have learned how to prevent this from happening from several past experiences stemming from Independence Day celebrations to Eritrean Festivals.
That this was a premeditated act, it immediately became apparent to all participants: someone had staged that less-than-welcoming reception, and was attempting to disrupt the conference.
Just few days earlier, one of the Eritrean hooligans named Kubrom Dafla, best known for his close ties to the ruling TPLF regime in Ethiopia, posted on his Facebook profile and appeal calling for all the anti-Eritrea residents living in Holland to join him in protest, by saying: “The local government and the Dutch central government are just waiting for our demonstration –in order to cancel the conference! Even journalists and media are already there waiting for (…); international opponents are financing and encouraging us, the government and Dutch media are with us.”[1]
But to pull the strings of the Eritrean Puppet Dafla was the notorious anti-Eritrea ‘journalist’ Martin Plaut, a well-known major provider of fake news on Eritrea and, regime-change academic and activist, Mirjam Van Reisen, founder of EEPA, a Non-Governmental Organization indirectly funded by Soros. These two elements appealed to the Dutch Government asking for the banning of the conference. “Does anyone have an idea of how we can stop this?” asked the professor on her Facebook profile.
To achieve their objectives, they incited hatred and instigated a group of destitute asylum claimants awaiting residency permits, to take part in the protest if really considered themselves to be genuinely against the Eritrean government – they said. These readily available “Eritrean” henchmen left their refugee centers to take part in the violent protest that would soon ensue, without really understanding (knowing) that they would be used as “Black Block” to stop a gathering that was legally authorized a year prior, and peaceful in nature.
The riot-like violence triggered by these destitute refugees served to give an African face to an otherwise all-Dutch (all whites) organized protest; a technique already been used by the US while sanctioning Eritrea - crediting Gabon and Djibouti for that initiative. The violence that was triggered by these refugees was a necessary pretext for the disruption of the conference. Without their contribution, the Mayor had no other reason to hijack it. And so it went on.
As soon as the coaches carrying peaceful and unaware Eritreans (conference participants) arrived to the venue, the farce was led to start. In a clash, some conference participants fall victim to both verbal and physical harassment, as reported by a journalist’s Tweet: “someone wearing a blue jacket hit another in the head”.[2]
As a direct consequence to that incident, in the late night hours of Friday the 14th of April, using the pretext of a threat to “public safety”, the Mayor of the City of Veldhoven ordered the evacuation of the NH Hotel. Members of the local police force that entered the premise kept saying to Hotel guests “We are doing it for your own safety!”. Attendees (Eritreans) were forced to pack their bags as quickly as possible and disperse; some were made to transfer to another NH Hotel in Brussels, were they had found room for 200 people. Meanwhile, the remaining 400 guests had to arrange for their own accommodation. To their disadvantage, it was all taking place in the middle of the night and, in a host country many were not familiar with.
This was the combined effort of the Mayor‘s ordinance backed by a judge who allowed him to proceed with it. This is how ‘public safety’ is being afforded to other European citizens, by the Dutch justice system. “It is for your own safety” was Mayor’s message. Nevertheless, guest were thrown out of a safe place like a four-star Hotel and left stranded in the middle of the night - at the same time those violent hooligans that provoke the disruption of the conference, and later apprehended by the police for staging a violent and unlawful protest, were also being released from custody and onto the streets.
When the Hotel owner saw the manner in which his law-abiding guests accepted the Mayor’s ordinance and the final verdict of the judge, although visibly disappointed and in religious silence, boarding the coaches awaiting to take them away, he literally burst into tears. He cried for the defeat of the Justice system of his country failing other European citizens. He cried seeing the dignified and orderly conduct shown by Eritreans under duress.
One of the participants of the YPFDJ conference admitted to me over the phone that he felt like a "modern-day Auschwitz deportee”, not just because all conference participants had unnecessarily paid their fees for a four-day stay in the hotel. "Do you think they would throw us out on the street if we were 600 people with white skin? I don’t think so", he exclaimed very bitterly. I could not blame him because the apartheid in South Africa immediately came to mind. Clearly, the Dutch cannot tolerate 600 Africans gathered to confer.
Amongst the very young, there were about 50 underage participants; Haben is a 16 years old who attended the conference for the first time. He was enthusiastic and full of expectations. I asked him what his impressions were. "For us young Eritreans it was a good opportunity to meet, because we, young people from Italy, Switzerland or Germany are culturally different and the only thing that binds us all is our Eritrean identity, our culture and our history. The YPFDJ conference would have helped us to strengthen that bond”, he stated.
However, that didn’t happen. How did you feel when you were told it was over?
"I felt so angry as we had waited for it a whole year, we wished to get together to meet each other. Instead we were given 15 min to pack and leave. The organizers advised us, as we were the youngest and had no disposable money with us, that we were given priority to go to the hotel in Brussels while the older ones would have made other arrangements. It wasn’t fair either way."
As a matter of fact, the Eritrean Community in Holland hosted the 400 stranded Eritreans in their home on that tragic (miserable) night.
By posting a photo of herself in the midst of the hooligans, Prof. Mirjam van Reisen made a tweet defining them as "Veldhoven's day heroes"[3] , disregardful of the fact that on April 14, 2017 in Veldhoven Holland, in the heart of democratic Europe, together with the mayor Mikkers and the Dutch media, they attacked and assassinated European Democracy and Article 11 on the right of "the Freedom of Assembly and Association" which reads:
"Freedom of assembly includes public or private meetings, courtesies, processions, demonstrations, and sit-ins. Their purpose may be political, religious or spiritual, social, or otherwise; there is no limit to the purpose, but every meeting must be peaceful. (...) Positive Obligations: The state has the duty to protect from the violence of the perpetrators the people exercising their right to peaceful assembly. Freedom of association is the right to associate with others to form organs intended to collectively pursue common goals."
The European Democracy was assassinated in the Netherlands. RIP
Reviewed by Admin
12:02 AM

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