Tour of Eritrea 2017: Simon Mussie wins Massawa Circuit
Tour of Eritrea 2017, Massawa Circuit
By Shabait
Tour Eritrea 2017 in which national teams from Eritrea, Rwanda, Sudan, Kenya and the Republic of South Africa as well as Eri-Tel, Sembel, Asbeco, Baike-Aid, Amore-Vita and Global local teams are taking part kicked off on 15 April with the 1.2 category classic race “Fenkil Challenge” from Foro to Ghinda and “Massawa. The winner of the ‘Fenkil Challenge” was Peyer Paulo from Amore-Vita and members of the Eritrean National Cycling team, Zemenfes Solomon and Mehari Tesfatsion stood 2nd and 3rd respectively.
The second day race “Massawa Circuit” which covered 121.2 was conducted on 16 April in the port city of Massawa. Simon Musie. member of Eritrean cycling national team stood first while Meron Teshome from Bike-Aid and Meron Abraham from the Eritrean national team stood second and third respectively.
In the over all classification the Eritrean national team is leading the race.
Tour Eritrea 2017 will be underway until 23 April under the theme “Tour of Friendship and Competence.”

ኣብዚ ሎሚ ንግሆ ልክዕ ሰዓት 7:30 ጀሚሩ ገና ሰዓት 10:55 ዝተዛዘመ ናይ 121.2ኪ/ሜ ዝርሕቀቱ ኣብ ዉሽጢ ባጽዕ ብ Massawa circuit ዝፍለጥ ናይ 1.2 uci መለክዒ ዘሎዎ ውድድር ዝተኻየደ ከምዚ ዝስዕብ ውጽኢት ተረኺቡ ኣሎ

1 ሳይሞን ሙሴ ሃ/ጋንታ ኤርትራ

2 ሜሮን ተሾመ Bike Aid

3 ሜሮን ኣብርሃም ሃ/ጋንታ ኤርትራ

4 ዘመንፈስ ሰሎሙን ሃ/ጋንታ ኤርትራ

5 ተስፎም ዕቅባማሪያም ሃ/ጋንታ ኤርትራ

6 ክሊንት ትረቪኖ ሀንድሪክስ ደቡብ ኣፍሪቃ

7 ኣሮን ደብረጺዮን ኣስበኮ

8 ዮናታን ሃይሉ ሰምበል

9 በነቨንቱረ ኣኡዉዩዘማ ርዋንዳ

10 ዳዊት ሃይለ ሰምበል

ዕዉታት ክኾኑአንከሎዉ ዕዉቲ ሃገራዊት ጋንታ ኸኣ ሃገራዊት ጋንታ ኤርትራ ኮይና ኣላ ።
Source of Mussie Ashel
Tour of Eritrea 2017: Simon Mussie wins Massawa Circuit
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12:01 AM

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