[Video] MP calls TPLF a "terrorist" regime, calls EU to end complicity with Ethiopia
By ESAT News
A member of the European Parliament called for the European Union to end its complicity with the Ethiopian regime that kills peaceful protesters and jails journalists and political opponents.
Ana Maria Gomes made an impassioned plea to members of the European Union to end their silence over the crimes perpetrated by the regime.
Mrs. Gomes specifically mentioned the recent arrest of Dr. Merara Gudina, Chairman of the Oromo Federalist Congress, who was put behind bars after returning from Europe, where he testified at the European Parliament against the tyrannical regime in Ethiopia.
Mrs. Gomes, who reminded the Member of Parliament that the undemocratic regime in Ethiopia is the top recipient of European aid in Africa urged European governments to end complicity with the regime.
“How many Ethiopian citizens will have to die and how close Ethiopia has to come to civil war to end EU’s complicity with this Brutal and callous dictatorship?” she asked the Parliament.
MP Ana Gomes has been an ardent supporter of Ethiopians in their struggle against a brutal regime that loves to hate her.
[Video] MP calls TPLF a "terrorist" regime, calls EU to end complicity with Ethiopia
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