[Video] Asmara aims to be a UNESCO World Heritage Site
The following has been translated from Italian using online software
By AskNews
Milan (askanews) - A walk through the streets of Asmara, in Eritrea, is a journey through time in the Italy of the early twentieth century, between streets, squares and buildings that synthesize the architectural styles of the early decades of the last century. In the former Italian colony, still dotted with signs in Italian, the architects of the Fascist era brought the rationalist style of reinterpreting decades freely, away from the constraints of the motherland. This gave rise buildings such as the gas station Fiat Tagliero, Hymn to Futurism with his of airplane shape and the two self-supporting wings, the Empire Cinema and Rome in art deco style, described in these images filmed by the brothers Alfredo and Angelo Castiglioni. A modernist gem that in the coming months could be inscribed on the List of World Heritage of UNESCO.
Medhanie Eritrean Teklemariam is the engineer in charge "dell'Asmara heritage project" was born with the aim of supporting the candidacy through a conservation project, restoration and cataloging, also digital, the artistic heritage of Asmara. "Asmara really has a diversity of architectural styles, neoclassical, eclectic, rationalist, monumental, the twentieth-century and futuristic, a collection of architecture incomparable with other cities in the same period. We are very confident - said to askanews - because the dossier of application contains a wide variety of material and follows the guidelines required by Unesco ".
The turmoil around the art of Eritrea also involves the Politecnico di Milano, involved in various projects in the area, from Adulis excavations to their collaboration on the nomination in the UNESCO list, which could have a further increase in case of success. Susanna Bortolotto is the restoration of the Polytechnic lecturer who along with his squad following projects. "The Polytechnic will see a faculty that teach the restoration of modern and our concept of conservation at the University of Asmara. UNESCO shall be responsible to protect this city for the inhabitants but also for tourism, primarily for those they live and in time they managed to keep this city as we see it. "
UNESCO's decision is expected in July of 2017.
[Video] Asmara aims to be a UNESCO World Heritage Site
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