Eritrea: What Can Be Expected From The Wicked Circle?
By Teweldeberhan Gebre
“There is a broader concern among some members [US and UK] that Eritrea’s lack of cooperation with the SEMG sends a negative signal that could affect the Add to the dictionary of other member states subject to UN sanctions.”
US and its tail the UK want to extend the unjust sanction on the Eritrean people using the usual tactics of “lack of cooperation with the SEMG” of Eritrea. This time around they are telling us Eritrea did no wrongs but according to the head and tail, Eritrea should not be a bad example of good for the world community. It appears to me France is not joining the wicked circle battle. Great job France! No matter what Eritrea is proved to be innocent despite the SEMG’s evil intention to inquiry for extending the unjust sanction. As the wicked circle keeps proving for extended sanction Eritrea will shine and remain in tact being a bad example of good at least for its fellow Africans. When the wicked circle recites their old tactics of dominance they seem to realize they are short of ideas and principles. After all, when civilization is confused with modernization the result is bankruptcy in values and humanity.
For sure, the recommendation of the SEMG to dissociate the Eritrea and Somalia sanctions is essentially because the US and its appendage (UK) want to lift the sanction on Somalia and keep the sanction on Eritrea. Otherwise, the wicked circle could have invented false charges still linking Eritrea to Al Shabab. I wish this recommendations by the unethical and foolish members of the SEMG by the civilized members of the Security Council. I am happy to hear that “…even countries that have in the past urged the Council to revisit Eritrea sanctions, due to the lack of evidence that it supports Al-Shabaab, did not push for the disassociation of the regimes.” I am sure these countries understand the motives of the valueless head and tail group.
“Concerning the SEMG, the draft resolution extends its mandate until 15 December 2017 and expresses its intention to review the mandate and take appropriate action regarding the further extension by no later than 15 November 2017.” It means before Susan FriedRice and its elements are get rid of the ‘Dark House’ and her stateless department.
The wicked circle painted the Somalia’s issue as less controversial compared to Eritrea’s. Well, it may be because the evils’ goal is to subvert the Horn of Africa in the name of peace and security. There is no single independent nation in the Horn except Eritrea. In any case a country without a central government for the last 25 years cannot be less complex and controversial.
I am glad to hear that Angola, Egypt, China and Russia rejected the reference on the issue of public finance in the draft resolution. I am wondering how Eritrea is going to respond to the compromised phrase in the text in blue which says Eritrea need “to cooperate fully with the SEMG in accordance with the SEMG’s mandate”?
The wicked circle group will not sleep well unless the inept SEMG sleep a couple of days in Asmara Palace Hotel knowing that they are garbage and good for nothing. Interestingly, the wicked circle group were not shy to openly admit that Eritrea should not be a bad example of good for the world community. In the words of what’s in blue: “There is a broader concern among some members [US and UK] that Eritrea’s lack of cooperation with the SEMG sends a negative signal that could affect the behaviour of other member states subject to UN sanctions.”
Cheerio FriedRice!
Eritrea: What Can Be Expected From The Wicked Circle?
Reviewed by Admin
10:09 AM

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