University of San Francisco becomes an organizer for those who denigrate Eritrea
The Jesuit University of San Francisco, Credit: Marcin Wichary
University of San Francisco becomes an organizer for those who denigrate Eritrea under a pretense of “Academic Freedom”.
By: Yemane Tsegay
October 24, 2016
An alleged Eritrean youth named Meron Semedar recently is making headlines on political issues relating to Eritrea by becoming a volunteer of Essays Collector (QUADERE) from the anti-Eritrea sentiment. What has actually emerged is a new form of anti-Eritrea whereby the PFDJ in the Diaspora regarded as a burden to the enemies of the Eritrean masses. They are attempting to use the academic freedom to be used as a shield a “get-out-of jail card” that allows them to avoid incarcerations. It is a fatal attempt to try inviting the PFDJ hopping to have few words if possible that can be shared and can be construed in order to create arguments for maligning Eritrea on University campuses. Those who are motivated to use “Academic Freedom” and hopping the PFDJ members can deliver a speech to the detriment of Eritrea’s own interest and acts as a proxy for Eritrean people at large is a clear witch hunt to create a harmful situation to be added to the already increasingly inimical to the Government of Eritrea and to the pro-government community (PFDJ) as it becomes harder to make a case for Eritrea on campus based on factual facts.
All the contributors to academics against Eritrea and the PFDJ have fostered their critics on the USF campuses looks a wakeup call due to the involvement of the two willing professors that might even have an upper grip of the political issues’ These are:
Lee Bycel is an American Reform rabbi, rabbinic educator and social activist. He served as dean of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion[1] in Los Angeles for 15 years,[2] as western regional executive director of American Jewish World Service,[3] and is now rabbi at Congregation Beth Shalom of the Napa Valley.[2][4] He is an adjunct professor of Jewish Studies & Social Justice with the Swig Program in Jewish Studies and Social Justice at the University of San Francisco
Professor Susana Kaiser
She is known of her publication in Human Right:
"To Punish or to Forgive? Young Citizens' Attitudes on Impunity and Accountability in Contemporary Argentina," Journal of Human Rights. Volume 4, Number 2, April-June 2005. "Escraches: demonstrations, communication and political memory in post-dictatorial Argentina," Media, Culture and Society, Vol. 24(4) June 2002. Her teaching interests include the multiple links of the media with political, civil, cultural, social, and economic rights, race and ethnicity, Latin American and Latin history and media. Some of the courses that she teaches are: Race, Ethnicity and Media, Latin American Cinema, Latin’s in the U.S. Media, Human Rights and Film, Latin American Perspectives.
At this critical time I don’t have enough depth of information about the sincerity of these two professors for their involvement in the affair of Sovereign Eritrean Government whether to have built their reputation on academics that is critical to Eritrea’s existence. Time will tell, their moderations for the scheduled conference will have none bias balanced power of thinking are indeed meet the health of academia which must not fail to examine the barrage of accusations falsely invented by the enemies of Eritrea to be addressed at the USF academia plat form. Otherwise they will be branded to be known as scathing attackers from Social Justice ideologue of deceit or simply become story tellers of Argentineans people experiences or the experience of Arab-Israeli conflict as opposed to the experience of Eritrean struggle with none biased articulations and interpretations of facts in the area of Human Rights within the academic circles,
University of San Francisco becomes an organizer for those who denigrate Eritrea
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