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Japan to Open Embassy in Eritrea

Japanese Consulate in Eritrea

By Eritrean Embassy in Japan

The Government of Japan will open new embassies and permanent representatives office in nine places. The total amount of budget approved for this purpose is ¥773 billion in the Japanese fiscal year 2017.

GoJ will open Representative office at the African Union (AU). It will also open embassies in Belarus, Cyprus, Eritrea, Seychelles, Vanuatu and consular office in three cities including Cebu.

Government of Eritrea once again welcomes the initiative of the Government of Japan to open an Embassy in Asmara.

This important diplomatic step will further enhance, deepen and develop the historic bilateral relations that happily existed between the two friendly countries and their people since 1931.

The Government of Eritrea established an Embassy in Tokyo in 20O3.
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