[Video] My First Trip to Eritrea
By LifeOfLu
My first ever trip to Eritrea this summer (beginning of May to mid June). *Sorry about the shakiness/quality, this was all filmed on my Iphone.
By Shabait
The D. G. of Tourism Department in the Southern region, Ms. Asmaret Abraha called for providing extra caution for tourism resources so that they become domestic and international tourism attractions. She made the call at a meeting she held in Mendefera on 17 August with members of the tourism services that are assigned in the sub-zones.
Ms. Asmeret underlined that extra efforts should be exerted to acquaint the public with the historical places, the stunning landscapes and ancient tourism sites in the region that have the potential to become tourism attractions.
She further pointed out that awareness raising programs are being provided to students and the owners of social service provision institutions in a bid to develop the domestic tourism in the region.
The participants on their part stressed on the need to take early safety measures for the historical and ancient sites in the region in order to avoid damages through man made and natural mishaps.
The eye-catching tourism attraction sites in the Southern region include the landscapes of Adi-Begio and Adi-Kotoyo, the Eastern escarpments as well as the ancient historical sites of Ham, Safira Dam, Belw-Kelwe and the ancient Monasteries and religious places.
[Video] My First Trip to Eritrea
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