The Other “Fuzzy Wuzzies”: Eritrea’s Hidareb
Hidareb dance
The Beja are a group of nomadic
shepherds who live scattered across
the desert regions of Eritrea, Sudan,
and Egypt. With a total population
of nearly one million, they represent
the largest non-Arabic ethnic group
between the Nile River and the Red
Sea. They are sometimes aloof,
withdrawn, aggressive and warlike.
The Beja have a uniquely huge
crown of fuzzy hair, first recorded
in Egyptian rock paintings (circa
B.C. 2000). Rudyard Kipling gave
them the famous name “the Fuzzy
Wuzzies.” Kipling was specifically
referring to the Hadendowa, who
fought the British, supporting the
“Mahdi,” a Sudanese leader of a
rebellion against the Turkish rule
administered by the British.
The Beja are the descendants
of Noah’s grandson, Cush (son of
Ham). They are a native African
people who have occupied their
current homelands for more than
4,000 years. During that time,
they mixed with other Arab tribes,
adopting their Islamic religion. The
Beja in Eritrea are divided into two
tribes: the Ababda and the Beni
Amer. They inhabit approximately
20,000 square miles (50,000 square
km) in the northernmost region of
the country.
The semi-tropical climate of
Eritrea is influenced by the hot, dry
air from the Sahara and Arabian
Deserts. The southern part of the
country only gets about four inches
(100 mm) of rainfall a year. The Beja
migrate with their herds of cattle and
camels in search of better grazing
land. They have expertise in caring
for animals, which is portrayed in
their tribal songs and folklore.
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This Beni Amer boy pic is the most iconic Eritrean photo |
The Beja word for their language
is To Bedawie (or To Bedawiat), and
the people and language are also
called Bedawiye, Bedawiuet (the
Ethnologue name), Bedauye and
Beni-Amer (with other variations).
Sub groupings of the Beja people
do not coincide directly with the
dialects of the language. The
major subgroups are: Ababda,
Amarar, Bisharin, Hadendoa, BeniAmer
Beja, Beni-Amer Tigre and
Babail Ukhra (“other tribes”). The
Ethnologue mentions other ethnic
divisions as Halenga and Arteiga.
The Hadendoa dialect is spoken
by Beja in Eritrea and Sudan. The
Bisharin dialect is spoken by Beja
in Sudan and Egypt. The Hadendoa
people and language are found from
the Atbara River to the Red Sea,
where they meet and mix with the
Beni-Amer. About two-thirds of the
Beni-Amer live in Eritrea, and onethird
in Sudan.
As mentioned above, the language
spoken by the Beni-Amer is called
simply Beja (To Bedawie). The term
Hidareb is used variously to refer to
a language form and a people group.
Ethnologue information is based on
language forms only. For instance,
the Beni-Amer alone have over 40
The Beni-Amer are a large group
in Eritrea who include Beja-speaking
and Tigre-speaking subgroups.
Some authorities indicate the
Beni-Amer, despite this diversity,
have retained more of the ancient
Beja identity than other Beja tribes,
who have intermarried more with
other people. This is analogous to
the Somali people’s clans, many of
whom speak non-Somali languages.
There are perhaps 100,000 Beni-Amer Beja who speak only Tigre.
The Halenga are former Tigre
speakers who now speak Beja. The
Hidareb are a Beni-Amer group but
the name is used broadly for Beja
speakers in general.
The Beni-Amer (Hidareb) are
found in the northwest and northeast
of the country, and are prominent
in towns of Keren, Agordat and
The Hidareb nomads live in
portable tents that are built by
women. The tents are rectangular in
shape and are made of woven, black
or gray goat hair. Their daily diet
consists of dairy products (especially
camel’s milk), beef, and some grain.
They traditionally wore animal skin
clothes; however, today it is more
common to wear manufactured
clothing. They are dependent on
cash to purchase clothes and other
desired goods. The Hidareb’s view
of the “good life” is to have large
herds and to live in green, well-watered
The Hidareb are divided into
clans. They are named after their
ancestors, and the line of descent is
traced through the males. Each clan
has its own pastures and water sites
that may be used by others with their
permission. Clans vary from one to
twelve families. Disputes between
clans are often settled by traditional
Hidareb law; but most day-to-day
affairs are managed by the heads
of the families. The Hidareb are a
hospitable people, always showing
kindness to other clans; however,
they are not necessarily friendly to
Rites of passage are at birth,
circumcision (of males), engagement,
marriage, death and remembrance
or a second funeral. The Hidareb
are only partially dependent upon
cash, with which they buy clothing,
coffee, grain and oil. Fewer than 3
percent are town dwellers.
The more sedentary Hidareb
build mud-walled houses with
more furnishings. All members of
a family, husband and wife and all
children below age seven, sleep in
on a large bed also made of straw
mats and wollen rugs, on a wooden
frame. In a polygamous family the
husband will sleep in the tent of each
wife in turn. Unmarried men sleep
in the open at the edge of camp.
The preferred marriage pattern is
children of brothers (first cousins).
Multiple wives are rare. Only the wealthiest Beja have more than one
wife. After a marriage contract has
been made, a large gift of livestock,
clothing, and other goods is given
to the bride’s family “bridewealth”
(sadag). The mother’s brother is
an important figure. The goal of
young couples is to have many
male children and to acquire a great
number of female camels.
All of the Hidareb are Muslims;
however, they practice what is
known as “folk Islam.” This can
be attributed to the fact that their
conversion to Islam was largely
motivated by their desire to retaliate
against Turkish rulers. Today, their
beliefs are interwoven with a rich
variety of traditional superstitions.
For example, the Hidareb believe
that men have the power to curse
others by giving them the “evil eye.”
They also believe in wicked jinnis
(spirits capable of taking on animal
forms) and other invisible spirits.
The Hidareb believe that evil spirits
can cause sickness, madness, and
accidents. Black magic is practiced
and animal sacrifices are used in sacred pagan ceremonies. They have
adopted many Islamic practices
such as repeating prayers, but these
prayers are often not understood.
Currently there are about
206,650 Hidareb in Eritrea, they are
prominently known for their locked
hairs and beautiful set of teeth, this
ethnic group in Eritrea is one of the
many that makes Eritrea different
and special, hence it is our duty to
preserve them within the territories
of their origin.
The Other “Fuzzy Wuzzies”: Eritrea’s Hidareb
Reviewed by Admin
12:02 AM

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