Alpha Eritrean Engineers Magazine, August 2016
My Experience with AEEM dates back to two years. It is an amazing group that organizes Eritrean engineers and professionals who resided in the Bay Area, California. I am so impressed by this expertise group from day one since I have stepped to the group back in 2014. The group includes a wide diversity of professionals. This diversity helps AEEM to share knowledge and information from one another as well as to build a healthy professional network. Above all, it proven me the Eritreans’ untapped genius of perceptive powers in innovation and skills by applying the high level scientific knowledge into industries and hi-techs. I would like to thank the board members and organizers of AEEM for their exemplary works and dedication. Especially, I would like to express my gratitude to Yosief Woldemariam for his splendid devotion to sustain this expertise group.
Partly, as one of my impression in the last session of AEEM which was held at Injera Restaurant in Alameda California on the 21st February, 2016 was the depth of knowledge of the professionals and the approach of their presentations. A superb job was performed in organizing the meeting, selecting thought-provoking topics, and even getting us very delicious food that increased the fuel of the ecstasy. The presentation of an electronic and hi-tech engineer Aman from San Jose, California, who shared his knowledge and expertise on interactive displays was eye opening. His speech accompanied by his slides showed us on how to design and implement the arrays and configuration of displays for a variety of devices modeled by world class companies for cellphones, tablets and the like. Tewelde Estifanos presented and exhibited his demonstrations by introducing us to the products of Solar Smart Africa. Following him another presentation was given by Habtom; mechanical and solar expertise engineer from San Francisco. He illustrated the solar energy efficiency so far done in Eritrea in several sectors for different purposes. It was pretty good in agitating the concern of each of us whether the solar efficiency is viable or not in a wide sense and profound provocative thinking versus the Eritrean geographical and economical context. Thanks for making the AEEM session so worthwhile and productive.
~ Henok Tewelde, Geophysicist
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Alpha Eritrean Engineers Magazine, August 2016
Reviewed by Admin
12:00 AM

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