[Pictures] 16th Festival Eritrea in Toronto Canada opened in colorful manner
Opening ceremony of the 16th Eritrean Festival in Toronto
By Eritrean Media
Festival Eritrea in Toronto officially opened July/30/ 2016 by Mr. Teumezghi Tesfa Eritrea's Consul General in Canada. Attendees from the GTA, Eastern Canada and U.S.A a took part in the opening ceremony. Mrs Teresa Armstrong MPP London - Fanshawe Ontario (NDP critic for citizenship and immigration) was among the invited guests and expressed her appreciation for the community in Canada.
The Consul General ( Mr. Teumezghi Tesfa) held public seminar for the Eritrean community members that participate at the opening. The Consul addressed the participants on the current affairs of the state of Eritrea and in its environs with respect to political aspect and accordingly Mr. Teumezghi gave in-depth with the recent development on Eritrea's significant economic and social transformation.
Further, the Consul commended the community members their dazzling job in the community affairs in their respective residence as well the devotion to the motherland affairs. therefore, Mr. Teumezghi encouraged the participants to continue their involvement in strengthening the community and likewise the state affairs. The seminar concluded with patriotic zeal after a Q&A where the participants were given an opportunity to convey their concerns and opinions.
Attendees continue to enjoy the BBQ, sport activities and merchandise that will continue throughout the weekend until the closing ceremony on Monday.
[Pictures] 16th Festival Eritrea in Toronto Canada opened in colorful manner
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12:01 AM

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