Eritrea's youth have done it again
25 Eritrean doctors graduating from the Orotta School of Medicine 12 December 2015
For long, Eritrea has treasured raising generations of youth and nurtured them as the primary asset of all her resources and the driving force towards a bright future. Eritrea won the long years of political and armed struggle for independence through the valiant character of its youth. Based on such dynamism, the Government of Eritrea has, since day one of independence, been striving diligently and has been making massive investment in securing grounds conducive for education at all levels to equip the youth in all fields of study. Hence, the Eritrean youth have been making utmost use of the irretrievable chance available to them.
In that effect, every year, thousands of students graduate in various fields of study from the eight colleges operating in all corners of the country. Indeed, the major accomplishments made thus far and the readiness of the beneficiaries to conquer the idea of being optimistic, coupled with their commitment and hard work, broke the walls of pessimism. Therefore, year after year, we witness the outcomes of their success.
Ever since Eritrea’s independence, every youth has been incredibly industrious, standing against all odds, believing in the fact that Eritrea’s economic progress can only be realized through the hard work and academic excellence of the youth. Scrapped hard with all their abilities to bring about a difference in Eritrea’s multifaceted progress in education, infrastructure, tourism and other sectors of the economy.
As a result of the all rounded development, especially in the sector of education, Engineering students at the Eritrean Institute of Technology have very recently showcased technological advancements they invented, which included android applications that can be used in smart phones such as, Habesha jokes, easy Eri-tell, Eri-dictionary both in Tigrinya and English among many PC high-tech enhancements. Other institutes and colleges across Eritrea have also been doing similar activities and science fair in their respective academic specializations.
The initiation for innovation and development embarked by the youth brought about many positive and long lasting warrantee in the overall view of Eritrea’s bright future. The idea that one star can guide a ship during a sail wasn’t far from the vision of every young Eritrean. That could be the reason why thousands of young nationals graduate with outstanding performance in different fields of study and specialities.
Last week, on July, 03, hundreds of students graduated from the Orotta School of Medicine and Halhale College of Business and Economics. Besides, students at the Eritrean Institute of Technology in Mai Nefhi graduated today the 9th of July, while the College of Arts and Social Sciences in Adi kieh will graduate its students on the 12th of July. The novice graduates will practice what they have acquired from their respective Colleges.
The generations before have been the prime reason for the clear developmental changes in infrastructure. Looking back at the overall developmental aspects of Eritrea and building it from scratch to raise it from the brunt of war, the credit all goes to the youth for they always have been dedicated in visioning and making Eritrea’s growth a reality.
Most of all, it all goes to those young generations who have been valiant in standing with our nation’s defence force and military service. Yet again, this year, the vigilant young Eritreans await to celebrate the 7th Youth Festival in Sawa, where thousands of students will graduate from the Warsay-Yekalo Secondary School. This routine has been going on for long and many young minds have been a product of not only the academic teaching, but also culture of reverence among the Eritrean nationals and other profound national values.
Annually Sawa prepares wellbuilt youth to pursue their education at a college level and those who fail in the Secondary School leaving examinations are offered the opportunity to be vocationally trained. Hence, holding the Youth Festival in Sawa carries a larger meaning as it houses the youth in the thousands and creates grounds for the youth from the Diaspora to exchange experiences with their countrymen of similar age. The festival accommodates academic inventions, artistic features, exhibitions and shows provided for viewers of various ages and parents of graduating students who have come to participate in the festival. Among the main participants of the youth festival held in Sawa are young Eritrean nationals from diaspora who come for the summer events, while some come particularly to partake in this specific event.
I believe Sawa shapes each one of the youth who get the chance to pursue their education into better citizens as they continue proving to be. Learning in Sawa at that important age is an opportunity to acquire academic excellence, personal skill, physical strength, mental growth and so on. Hence, the academy in Sawa, has through the young minds and strong citizens it has trained over the years, massively contributed to the nation building endeavours. Sawa has a divine uniqueness like many others, I too am a product of its teachings, the person I turned out to be after the one year interesting class of life was way different than before and I am sure others share the same feeling as I do.
It bestowed upon each one of the students the secret of personal resilience in tackling life’s obstacles and how to overcome them in an advanced and calculative manner. Academically, it trained many young nationals to improve their strength in multifaceted aspects of their lives for a better one in the future. Sawa created a national family other than the one they share biological ties. It transformed teenagers into a well characterized adults who are able to represent primarily themselves, their family, society and their nation as a whole. Today, we appreciate its outcomes that are symbolising the developments and progresses we encounter today within our nation and domestic lives.
The young Eritreans have through the said training and life shaping experiences they exercise have become able to build a strong nation and bequeath generations to come what they have learned from their older generations. Almost all youth work in accordance with their respective field in various line ministries, government organizations, schools, hospitals and many other civic institutions. young Eritreans have always been dedicated to their home that raised them in a way that no other nation can. When fully grown as adults, they strive every day to make Eritrea way better than yesterday. Eritrea was never wrong to depend on its youth and indeed its youth have done it again.
All of these reminded me a written peace by an Eritrean writer Engneer Fisseha G/Egziabher in his book ‘The crazy man formula’ part one. There, the writer says, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Truly, it couldn’t have been articulated better, because our youth do believe in the beauty of their dream and their hard work constantly pays off.
Eritrea's youth have done it again
Reviewed by Admin
12:00 AM

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