Eritrea: Sawa Celebrating its Youth
Sawa Youth Festival
The year 2016 is surely an important
milestone to Eritrea as it
celebrates its 25th Silver Jubilee Anniversary
of Independence. Yet, the
celebration of this young nation’s independence
won’t be complete without
celebrating its youth. Its youth
who brought the independence by
forfeiting its life to fight for the Eritrean
cause for thirty years while the
generation of Warsai-Yekalo continues
to stand, protect and be an active
agent in the development process of
the country.
Accordingly, Eritrea put in place
a national development policy including
free education for all without
any discrimination of gender,
religion or ethnic groups. Surely, the
policy won’t be viable without the
implementation of the vision inherited
from the EPLF and written into
the National Charter at the Nakfa
Congress in 1994 stressing that the
vision of self-reliance, social justice
can be ensured by guaranteeing the
social harmony among the people
of Eritrea. Thus, the vision of social
harmony is fragile in the African
continent and the question of unity
is hence, what Eritrea strives to safeguard
every day.
In doing so, bringing all layers
of society under one umbrella at
a young age is a key component
in preserving this unity. The Sawa
Warsai-Yekalo program is, henceforth,
the product of it. Indeed, Sawa
Educational and Training Center is
the hub of the multifaceted Eritrean
society by bringing youth from all
corner of the country for their 12th
grade into one area located in the
vast Gash Barka region for a period
of one school-year. Sawa is also the
place where the famously known
Eritrean Youth Festival takes place
every two year where thousands
of Eritreans participate. For the occasion, various slogans written on
banners took over the landscape of
major cities of Eritrea including the
center of Asmara. In fact, the festival
is just around the corner and participants
were given an orientation day
on Monday in the premises of the
Municipality Hall of the Central region
in Asmara and they are currently
on their way to a weekend-long
celebration and experience sharing
from the 15th to 17th of July 2016.
The ambitious plan behind the
Sawa Warsai-Yekalo program,
without a doubt, was to continue to
uphold the harmony and tolerance
among the people of Eritrea. In other
terms, Sawa allows the youth to
learn from one another, to know other
youngsters from all corners and
layers of the society. As the youth
are the key component of the very
existence of Eritrea, celebrating the
youth becomes a prima facie to our
The 7th festival organized by the
National Union of Eritrean Youth
and Students (NUEYS) is working
on the latest arrangement to ensure a
successful weekend under the theme
of ‘Menesey Merih Mekeyro’ or
translated as‘Youth as the Core of
the Turning Point’ in line with the
12th grade graduation of students
from the 29th round. The organizing
committee of the NUEYS includes
youth from the diaspora and members
of YPFDJ, as well as youth
from Eritrea working hand-in-hand
as the tradition will. The committee
has been organized for the past six
months from the hospitality aspect,
registration, transport, media as well
as entertainment, cultural performances
without failing to recall the
safety and health services provision
to all participants.
On this occasion, Mr. Osman Abdulkadir,
chairman of the coordinating
committee of the festival told the Eritrean News Agency (ERINA)
that the festival aims at bringing
youth together to show their talent,
commitment and accomplishment
throughout these four days. Sawa
festival, surely, has been for the past
two decades, the center for awareness
raising of the young generation.
The most important values learned
from Sawa are tolerance, hard work
as well as maturity and strife against
any cultural barriers especially in
terms of gender equality.
In other words, young women attending
their 12th grade in Sawa are
able to detach from common patriarchal
family sphere by learning how
to sustain themselves and ensure
their equal participation to their male
counterparts. Many, hence, discover
their hidden talent and make great
achievements which are displayed
during the festival. The Eri-Youth
festival, this year, is expecting to
bring the level higher with more
than 20,000 participants including
Eritreans from the diaspora and all
regions of Eritrea eager to witness
the achievements and potential of
Eritrea’s youth. What is surely going
to be unique is the participation
of representatives of various youth
groups and humanitarian organizations
from Finland.
This morning, Wednesday, participants
embarked at 6 in the morning
from Bahti Meskerem Square,
in Asmara, accompanied by their
tour guides with two stopovers, one
in Keren for a delicious traditional
breakfast of the Anseba region and with a short time to visit the multicultural
city followed by a second
stopover in the city of Barentu, the
central administration of the Gash
Barka region. As we reach the 7th
festival, the organizers are now experts
in organizing such an ambitious
event and being able to bring
youth from all corner of the globe
together with youth from all corners
of the country has to be seen to be
believed. This inspirational project
allows the young generation to share
ideas, experiences as well as learning
about their culture and continue
to forge their identity with pride and
Strengthening the identity of the
youth is, surely, one of the challenges
faces in the global era with
the increasing access to mainstream
media and the internet. Hence, ensuring
that the values and culture
are passed into the next generation
is primordial to Eritrea and, therefore,
the investment towards the
youth becomes more than ever critical.
Accordingly, as written earlier,
the festival aims at raising awareness
through the diverse program
prepared for the occasion. In doing
so, participants will witness cultural
performances and presentations,
exhibitions as well as the official
ceremony of the 29th round students
graduating this year from the 12th
grade after they have completed
their matriculation examination as
well as a three month-long military
training as part of the Eritrean curriculum
under the Warsai-Yekealo
In terms of awareness raising,
various seminars on development
issues and the role of the youth will
be held throughout the weekend as
well as the presentation of research
papers. As the youth festival aims
at celebrating Eritrean youth, the
Soyra Excellence Award ceremony
will be handed to exemplary youth
in the country as well as diaspora
youth who completed their high
school. The general knowledge
competition is also a way of raising
awareness without failing to remember
the innovation corner exhibiting
the creativity of the young generation.
Clearly, identifying young talents
and encouraging them through
such an award will certainly boost
their will to achieve more. This system
of merit to talented youngsters
is crucial in terms of building self-confidence
as they are entering their
Besides, the bazaar area will be
home to art exhibitions, participants
will be able to visit the photo
exhibition of the armed struggle as
well as buying books at a fair price
on different fields related to Eritrea
while enjoying traditional dishes in
one of about sixty different food and
drink stands in the open air before
joining the crowd on the traditional
beats and songs by young Eritrean
Choosing Sawa as the hub of the Eritrean Youth Festival isn’t a coincidence,
it reflects the government‘s will to produce a
youth which is aware, hardworking, tolerant
by giving the bases of life and values of the
Eritrean society in terms of unity and social
harmony among the people to ensure lasting
peace. Further, Sawa is located in the Gash
Barka region, a region home to major development
projects such as the mining industry,
energy, water and agriculture; adds to the significance
of the festival.
As the youth are the agents of sustainable
development, such cultural event reinforces
the awareness as well as the importance of living
in harmony for the collective and for generations
to come. As written in the National
Charter, one of the six basic goals to attain
the vision of social justice is cultural revival:
Drawing on our rich cultural heritage and
on the progressive values we developed during the liberation struggle, to develop an Eritrean
culture characterized by love of country,
respect for humanity, solidarity between men
and women, love of truth and justice, respect
for the law, hard work, self-confidence, self-reliance,
open mindedness and inventiveness
(EPLF/PFDJ Feb.1994:6).
In sum, Sawa can be translated as the ‘capacity-builder’
and allows students from all
over the country to learn both at educational
level but also at community level by learning
how to live with others and having a sense of
collectivism and tolerance to ensure national
harmony. In other words, for the people of
Eritrea to live in harmony, peace and stability,
with no distinction along regional, ethnic, linguistic,
religious, gender or class lines (EPLF/
PFDJ February 1994:6).
Happy Festival and Congratulations to the
12th grade graduates of the 29th round!
Eritrea: Sawa Celebrating its Youth
Reviewed by Admin
9:05 AM

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