TPLF conscripting youth for a possible war against Eritrea
Ethiopian conscripts
Following a dismal failure to get the youth enroll in the army, regime officials have instructed regional governments to contribute their “quota” of a set number of people to join the army.
The directive by the regime came after repeated announcements and attractive perks to get people register in the army have failed miserably.
Mass defections in the army as well as the recent border skirmishes with neighboring Eritrea have forced the regime to make compulsory conscription by instructing regional governments to get a set number of the youth join the army.
Efforts by the regime to get people join its army have so far failed in Amhara, South Ethiopia, Oromia, and Harar.
In Harar, regime authorities gave orders to each Woreda administration to get at least 30 people to join the army but only up to four people were registered in few of the Woredas while none turned out at the majority of the Woredas.
Similarly, efforts by the regime to conscript in Amhara and South Ethiopia were to no avail. Meanwhile, sources disclosed to ESAT that in North Gondar, the regime has been making preparations to round up the youth as the area is known for its anti TPLF stance.
TPLF conscripting youth for a possible war against Eritrea
Reviewed by Admin
12:02 AM

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