[Video] Eritrea - Lies & Propaganda of the "Special Rapporteur"
By Taflan Zerigan
On 14 of March 2016 the "Special Rapporteur" on Eritrea gave an oral update to the 31st session of the UN Human Rights Council on her witch hunt activities against the State of Eritrea.
The statement made by the "Special rapporteur" was the usual lies and disinformation that she has become well known for.
The "Special Rapporteur" is now gearing up, to release a recycled report with a good dose of Propaganda via the "commission of inquiry" well before the 32nd session of the UN Human Rights Council is due to take place from 13th of June to 1st of July.
This unprofessional behaviour is nothing new, in fact its the modus operandi of the "Special Rapporteur" and her sponsors. The intention of releasing the report filled with lies and wild allegations early, is to give the mainstream media outlets ample time to bombard the internet, propagate and disseminate the contents of the report, leading up to the 32nd session of the Human Rights Council is held.
Many people and nations have become well aware of the politically motivated mandate of the "Special Rapporteur" and the "Commission of Inquiry", and have rejected it.
[Video] Eritrea - Lies & Propaganda of the "Special Rapporteur"
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12:02 AM

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