New Eritrean movie "Mekseb Alem" causes controversy
The timing of this movie titled: “Mekseb Alem” to be released is not a coincidence
Then, what is next……?
By Yemane Tsegay
A new Eritrean movie coming soon to Theaters and will be packaged in DVD for individual entertainment. It was announced on April 29, 2016 through Dehai’s Website titled “Mekseb Alem”. This movie was written: by Yasin Omer Ali and directed by Makda Berhane. Based on the preview image I was able to ask questions such as: (a) why is it needed to release this very shocking movie to the Eritrean Society at this crucial time? This movie is labeled by the writer “Entertainment” with misleading Warning Label that warns: “Restricted under 17 requires parent or accompanying adult guardian”, while it is fully accessible on line to everyone. This movie implies testing the limits of the Eritrean Society by injecting us with the cheap aspects of life that affects our moral righteousness by offering us the usage of endless smoking chemicals of tobacco and the consumption of alcohol drinks that kills our people as well as sexual exploits that promotes sexual promiscuity. All these are an attack on our moral righteousness of the Eritrean society. (b) Is there any benefit to our society to see this movie that cheapens our society? At the same time this is also a challenge to the Eritrean Government on the rights of people for “Freedom of Conscience, Expression of Opinion, and Movement and so on” without considering for the respect of the legal rights of others and for the obligation of the government protection of national security or public order and public health and moral righteousness.
Few days ago another Documentary Movie that was completed in January 2015 was released on April 2016 under the title of “The Eritrean Exodus Documentary” made by Chris Cotter an American traveler is not a coincidence. Even though both movies have varying greatly in structure, objective, social impact, and other key aspects, this is in a timeline which is bringing us toward the June of 2016 UN Security Council meeting.
The Internet and advanced information technologies have greatly enhanced by the "non-governmental organization" (NGO} or "global civil society" (GCS), uses the application of this technology for the advancement of their social justice ideology called: "soft power". Soft Power is the ability to get what you want through attraction rather than coercion. The extensive resources available to global NGOs permit them to engage in lobbying campaigns leading anti-Eritrea lawfare by using misusing and abusing the legal system and the media in order to raise a public outcry against Eritrea to mobilize mass demonstrations as they have been engaged using the Eritrean traitors and media visibility that have major impacts on the Eritrean Governments.
The soft power is based on the perception of technical expertise projected through the media and other channels. Powerful NGOs, such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the International Federation of Human Rights, work cooperatively in transnational advocacy networks, using the language and frameworks of human rights and humanitarian assistance. These organizations spread their views and campaigns via frameworks such as the UN Human Rights Council, corrupted private movie makers in alliance with diplomats and political leaders from selected governments.
The NGOs have no accountability, transparency, and checks and balances, the main engine driving NGO power is the funding that they receive. Money translates into power, influence, and the ability to manipulate the public debate. NGOs are also prominent in the "lawfare" campaigns used to further the delegitimization of Eritrea. This strategy involves exploiting the terminology of international human rights and humanitarian law by accusing Eritrea of “human rights crimes" not “war that may constitute “crimes against humanity”. However, Sheila attempted to implicate the EPLF behavior during the arm struggle in a sense of war crimes advised by the Eritrean informants reflected in her shameful report of the COIE of June 5, 2015 which is completely out of her mandate. . The lawfare strategy by the NGOs against Eritrea have began way back to the years of disturbances at Asmara University all the way to Durban Conference (South Africa) that corrupted the Eritrean students to abandon their goal for higher education and acted like runaway kids is the evil activities of the NGOs.
Mr. Yasin Omar Ali and Makda Berhane, you are engaging in detrimental activities in the Eritrean society. This is prohibited by the Eritrean Government Penal Code: Art. 310. - Homosexual Conduct that says:
(1) A person who performs with a person of the same sex an act corresponding to the sexual act, or any other indecent sexual act, Is guilty of homosexual conduct, a Class 7 serious offence, punishable with a definite term of imprisonment of not less than 5 years and not more than 7 years.
Additionally, you could be charged with the following:
Art. 44. - Jurisdiction - Offences Committed Outside of Eritrean Territory. Eritrean Courts have jurisdiction with respect to any offence that is committed outside of Eritrea where:
(1) the offence is a Serious Offence in Eritrea, and is committed by an Eritrean citizen, a permanent resident of Eritrea, or by a person present in Eritrea after the commission of the offence;
Lessons Learned:
- All movie makers please review your movie making skills and talent for better use than what you are trying to represent Eritrea with the worst copied of western world culture. As responsible members of the Eritrean society you should use the same ability you have to show and represent the best of modern Eritrean Society that all Eritreans could be prospers through honest hard work and living clean pro family life style. By following these moral rules all Eritreans could reach the highest level of fulfillment instead of pondering to the lowest human desires.
- The only way, we can achieve a “National Nation building” objective is only one way, when we begin to understand that we have a National obligation to build a better National Eritrean Society that benefits all of us now and in particular that benefits the youth of Eritrea tomorrow.
We Eritreans can do better than this!
New Eritrean movie "Mekseb Alem" causes controversy
Reviewed by Admin
1:07 PM

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