Woyane’s Betrayal of Ethiopia
TPLF has betrayed Tigrayans and Ethiopians.
Woyane’s Betrayal of Ethiopia
The fall of the feudal and Marxists Derge were brought about by the “Student Movement” who opposed the “Center Power” dominance awakening the masses to become conscious. The radical conservatory of the University student movement was home to Tigray youth who became voice of “The Grievances of Tigray People.” Tigray province was often ravaged by famine, drought and locust infestation. The 1972 to 74 and 1980 famine killed thousands of Tigrians as is the famine of 2015-16. Tigray’s self-consciousness and historical grievance against Showa’s rule, neglect and poverty were cause enough to form a nationalist movement. Tigray youth believed that Tigray is a nation, oppressed nation entitled to self-determination up to succession. Splitting with their follow students on the issue of “class Solidarity” stating that Nationalism preceded class solidarity the Tigray student left the university went to Tigraye province and formed the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF). In 1991 TPLF become king maker and liberator of Tigraye; rule of Ethiopia preserving the old system of Crops Center and peripheral elite imitating Emperor Hail Selassie and Derge.
TPLF was not willing to be part of a large multi-national movement hence; demolished EPRP and EDU Nationalist movements. The remnants of EPRP became Ethiopian People’s Democratic Movement (EPDM) allied to TPLF later to be called Amhara National Democratic Movement (ANDM). TPLF in 1989 became a multi-national movement redeemer of Ethiopia knowing full well Tigray’s limited natural resources. As stated by Melse Zenawa “There is nothing for us in Tigray”. TPLF called upon all democratic front opposed to Derge to join the New Movement that will bring an end to the Derge. Not trusting TPLF, Nationalist Democratic forces rejected the call. Hence, the EPRDF which consisted of ANDM and EMLF proceeded to produce Nationalist Movement of their own; later to become TPLF peripheral elite. Prisoners of war that were held by TPLF consisting of different Nationalities and abundance of prisoners to assemble from were the solution. The Oromo Peoples Democratic Organization (OPDO) and Ethiopian Democratic Officers’ Revolutionary Movement (EDORM) were amassed and marshaled from war prisoners added as multi-nationalist movement. The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) was offered to join EPRDF provided they form a Marxists Leninist League and withdraw their colonial claim, OLF refused. TPLF and its cohorts formed EPRDF the undisputed first among equals. EPRDF in 1989 at its first congress falsely promised that “the right of Nations and Nationalities to self-determination up to secession”. In 1990 the womb of EPRDF gave birth to Oromo Peoples Democratic Organization (OPDO). Changing tactics the EPRDF in its July 1991 Conference invited “Ethnic organization” negating Political organization the new political order was “Ethnicity” divide and rule. Fragment a Nation make it weak with no competitive political power. The minority TPLF become the dominating power ruler of the Ethiopian Empire.
The very few legal opposition the likes of; All Ethiopia Unity Party (AEUP) and Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CDU) were Democratic forces that opposed Wayne’s federal system. The United Ethiopian Democratic Force (UEDF) that represented the periphery, Oromo National Congress and Southern Ethiopia Peoples Democratic Coalition representing Southern region supported the federal system believing Wayans’s promise of self governance. These political forces were marginalized by Woyane never becoming a force of threat. The 2005 election was testimony to Wayans’s brutality and falls promises of Democracy where hundreds were massacred. EPRDF dishonestly claimed sweeping victory election after election. Demonstrations were held in many of the urban cities opposing EPRDF’s claim of victory where people were killed many citizens arrested. The opposition leaders charged with treason, terrorism, genocide and incitement later to flee the country. Woyane continued to face opposition from all corners; the Ethiopian Nationalist stood against federalism. The periphery realized that political process implemented by EPRDF retained the old power structure of Center dominance; tightly centralized administration repudiating the Nationalists rights for self- administration. TPLF systematically alienated every legal opposition that was a threat to its political dominance left with no choice Nationalist movements mushroomed. ALF, GLF, OLF, ONLF are Nationalist movement that are waging war. Looking back at the becoming of TPLF on can conclude that the TPLF never had intention of an all inclusive democratic political system for Ethiopia.
EPRDF’s policy of land confiscation facilitated awarding of cheap land to foreign investors for food export while “Lowland periphery” indigenous people are barred marginalized and their pastoral way of life destroyed making them vulnerable for famine. Foreign companies are exporting flower; making Ethiopia the subsequent exporter of cut flower after Kenya while millions of Ethiopians are dying of hunger. The Famine of 2015/16 is endangering the life of twenty million plus people and killing more livestock than the previous famine of 1972-74 and 1980. What has changed in the last 25 years is anyone’s shout. Instead of building dams and expanding agro-industry Woyane is building skyscrapers and Chinese Metro system with no economic value. With four large rivers and abundance of water Woyane has governed Ethiopia into Famine and shame. The processes of integration hasn’t touched the lives of the Afar, Borana, Beni Shagul Gumuz,Gambella, Somalia and South Omo. Neglected the lowlands are exploited of their rich national wealth of land, water and minerals. The Awash valley is one good example to the neglect of the Low Land periphery where the Afar has become the victims and the Woyane elite and foreign capital the beneficiary. The Oromo Nationality which is the majority of the Ethiopian people has become politicaly deprived Nationality under the Federal system. The Civil disobedience of 2016 in the peripheries is a direct result of the misguided oppressive political system of the Woyane minority regime. The Minority regime TPLF unwilling to renounce center hegemony and accept equitable power sharing, genuine multi-national and decentralized state has endangered the existence of the Ethiopian Empire bringing the nation to the brink of its downfall.
Woyane’s Betrayal of Ethiopia
Reviewed by Admin
12:10 AM

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