[Video] 12th YPFDJ Conference in Europe
By Shabait
The 12th YPFDJ Conference in Europe was held from the 25th to 28th March in Montesilvano under the theme of “Integrated Mekete: for Sustainable Development and Equal partnership”.
In an opening speech in which about 500 members of the Organization from inside the country and abroad, Ambassadors, Eritrean diplomats, and heads of communities and friends of Eritrea took part, Mr. Yemane Gebreab, Head of Political Affairs at the PFDJ, expressed his gratitude to the youth who made the realization of this conference possible.
Zerai Teclai, Chairperson of Euro YPFDJ Central Committee, noted that the YPFDJ in Europe does not represent the youth organization only but has now morphed into a platform for the entire Eritrean community in the Diaspora. Eritrea’s Ambassador to Italy, Mr. Fessehatsion Petros; the Chairperson of the NUEYS, Mr. Saleh Ahmedin; as well as the Chairperson of the NUEW Italy Branch, Mrs. Nigisti Tsegay delivered solidarity messages.
Seminars and research papers focusing on the current situation in the homeland were presented by various stakeholders and young professional. Panel discussions were also carried out.
Mr. Yemane Gebreab conducted a seminar to participants of the Conference on Eritrea’s development trajectory in the past 25 years as well as on challenges encountered. Mr. Yemane also elaborated on regional and international matters that impinge on Eritrea’s development path.
[Video] 12th YPFDJ Conference in Europe
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7:06 AM

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