UNESCO Receives Asmara World Heritage City Application
By Eritrea EmbassyMedia
Paris Monday, February 1, 2016
The Nomination Dossier and the supporting documents for the candidature of the city of Asmara to the World Heritage List has officially been submitted today -Monday, February 1, 2016- to the World Heritage Center at the UNESCO Headquarters.
Eritrea’s Ambassador to France and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO Mrs. Hanna Simon officially submitted the Nomination Dossier titled “Asmara: Africa’s Modernist City” and its supporting documents to the Director of the World Heritage Center Dr. Mechtild Rossier this afternoon.
The Asmara Heritage Office at the Administration of Central Region in Asmara -Eritrea, has prepared the Nomination Dossier and all the supporting documents in accordance with Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention.
The Historic Perimeter of Asmara, along with its modernist architecture, was put in the Tentative List of UNESCO in 2005.
Eritrea’s submission and submissions from other countries will be studied mainly by the World Heritage Committee in a year-and-half process that will end up with the approval or the rejection of the various dossiers submitted.
UNESCO Receives Asmara World Heritage City Application
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8:42 AM

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