Preparations underway for Eritrea's Silver Jubilee Independence Day
Munster Germany
Saturday 13th February 2016,
By Eritrea EmbassyMedia
Extensive preparations are already underway both inside the country and abroad for the celebration for the Silver Jubilee of Independence Day under the theme “Quarter of Century of Resilience and Development”.
As part of the Jubilee, meeting was held that was designed to bring together friends and partners of Eritrea to highlight and briefing the preparations. About 20 artist members of Starlight Excess, Reheated, Journalist as well as founders of Archemed attended the event, which took place at the C-Lenzig in Munster Germany on Saturday 13th February 2016.
The event thus created an opportunity of raising awareness of the various avenues of development and was also an opportunity to meet each other and provided an informal platform for discussion.
As preparations for the grand 25th Independence Anniversary celebrations get underway, it comes as no surprise that music will take centre stage. Eritrea’s history is a story shared in the music of Eritrea past and new.
During the struggle for independence, music and drama were used for education and mobilization and it was a means of expressing the hopes, pains and suffering of the people of Eritrea.
After Independence, music played a vital role in mobilizing support for the rehabilitation and development of Eritrea. At this historic juncture, musicians and artists from all over the world will converge on Asmara to participate in the historical event.
The Jubilee Independence Day celebrations will include cultural shows, concerts, symposiums, sports competitions, parades, carnivals, bazar as well as children’s programs. Thousands of Eritreans residing abroad and friends of Eritrea are expected to participate at the Jubilee Independence Day celebrations.
Preparations underway for Eritrea's Silver Jubilee Independence Day
Reviewed by Admin
12:26 AM

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