Florida Politicians Duped by un-Ethical Bloomberg Report on Eritrea.
Alan Mark Grayson is the United States Representative for Florida's 9th congressional district and a member of the Democratic Party
Florida Politicians Duped by un-Ethical Bloomberg Report on Eritrea.
In a very poor judgment and un-ethical journalism behavior the Bloomberg news agency that employs a longtime critic of Eritrea has once again committed a breech of the public trust. This is a conflict of interest and Bloomberg must stop utilizing the false information given to its outlet from a disgruntled Eritrean who knows very little about the country. By attempting to paint the wrong picture of a mining company working in Eritrea within the legal and international norms and rules, Bloomberg has pre-judged and concluded without facts that’s family has cashed in a long-held investment in a mining company that gets its revenue almost entirely from Eritrea. The article written on Bloomberg Politics says,
“Human Rights Watch labeled Eritrea “a pariah state,” in part, for its system of forced labor.”
First and foremost the majority of Floridians may not know where Eritrea is. For the news article to mislead readers by simply accusing this great nation one that depends on “SELF RELIANCE” rather than on hand outs which has been sucking the American people’s tax money is not consistent with what is taking place on the ground. To assume that it is, should be considered “IGNORANT”. You can ask the highest American representative and diplomat based in Eritrea if this mining center Bloomberg claims has a “forced labor”. As Eritrean-Americans we can almost guarantee you that you would be quite surprised to witness the opposite of what is being written and we can back it. You can even go and visit the place for yourself.
Nevsun has a track record of working in partnership with the Eritrean government for over 15 years and today the company is proud to share that it has achieved 1 injury in over 23 million hours. No American company can say they did the same. The company makes sure that the safety of its people is the most important workplace consideration. It continuously promotes and trains for a healthy and safety culture and a mindset where workers believe it is possible to work injury free, regardless of what role they perform. This in itself is human right at its best. All the employees are paid good wages according to the standards of the country and are treated with the utmost respect. Eritrea is a country that used to treat its prisoners of war with “DIGNITY” the tradition of the basic necessities of individual rights are a part and parcel of life in the country since its independence day almost 25 years ago, anything otherwise would not serve the nation right. Gender equality and inclusive hiring practices where every Eritrean ethnic group is considered for jobs is one of the main requirements. Heck even the area has a small farm where organic food is grown for workers. Training on safety takes place on a regular basis.
While we as Eritrean-Americans wish to see the best senator win this important race, the mud slinging that is going on using ERITREA as a scape goat is what the core problem of this country’s political system has gotten to. It is shameful for the Patrick Murphy Senate campaign to attack Eritrea in order to defame their competitor. It is also shameful to see Alan Grayson pushing back saying he wasn’t aware of the Human Rights Watch report from 2013 that criticized the Canadian mining company in question, Nevsun Resources Ltd. He should do his homework. There is nothing to be ashamed of. As a matter of fact every mining company in the world should learn from this pioneering company that allows its employees to actively work with the Government of Eritrea to continually enhance preferential hiring for local candidates for the Bisha Mine. Please stop this political madness and leave ERITREA alone.
As Eritrean Americans from all over the east coast and even parts of Florida where one of you winners will serve, we urge you both to refrain from attacking an innocent nation and bringing it into this important Florida campaign with out merit. We are also disappointed in US Senator Harry Reid of Nevada for attempting to blackmail congressman Alan Grayson because of his stock share in Nevsun. What has American politics come to these days? Let us respect other nations that try to fend for themselves and work in tandem for peace and security throughout the world. Eritrea can play a huge role in making sure the world’s interest is respected in its region and the USA must accept the fact that it is an independent nation that leads its own agenda. It has been doing so for 25 year as it gets ready to celebrate its Independence Day anniversary this coming May 24th, 2016.
Thank you and Respectfully
Florida Politicians Duped by un-Ethical Bloomberg Report on Eritrea.
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6:44 AM

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