Eritreans in UK held several constructive meetings with members of British Parliament!

Eritreans meeting with UK official
London 14th January 2016
By Eritrea Embassy Media
An Action day against the politically biased, grossly exaggerated and completely unsubstantiated report made by the Commission of Inquiry (COI) on Human Rights in Eritrea has been launched throughout United Kingdom.
Heading this call, Eritreans in London, Nottingham, Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, Leeds, Newcastle and Coventry launched an Action Day campaign to say No to this biased and discredited Commission of Inquiry report, by writing thousands of letters, emails of first hand experience of the existing human rights situation inside Eritrea.
The British Eritrean Community Organization & Network (BECON) also arranged several meetings with members of Parliament in London, Birmingham and Nottingham with a view to discuss the current affairs in Eritrea and the Horn of Africa.
The British Eritrean Community Organization & Network (BECON) is an umbrella of 45 organizations of National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW), PFDJ and YPFDJ Chapters, Eritrean Communities, Civic and Eritrean professional organization in the UK.
Members of the Eritrean communities in the UK expressed to the MPs, that it is been 14 years after the delivery of the Eritrea Ethiopia Border Commission verdict, Ethiopia still continues to illegally occupy sovereign Eritrean territories.
British Eritrean Community & Organization Network BECON, considers that peace, security and development of both nations, and the region in general, have been held to ransom by Ethiopia’s refusal to accept the decision and the guarantors’ failure to uphold the rule of law.
Furthermore they explained, the sanctions imposed on Eritrea have had an impact on the well being of Eritreans and exacerbated the problem of youth migration and human traffickers.
Also the members reminded the MPs that the (SEMG) Somalia Eritrea Monitoring Group could not provide any evidence and has admitted that Eritrea is not in violation of the sanction and that the impetus behind the imposition of the sanction no longer exists, it is high time that the unjust sanctions are lifted to avoid the suffering of ordinary people and further destabilization of the region.
The British Eritrean community has high hopes and trust that the MPs will take corrective measures to address the concerns of the community with respect to the role and responsibility of the British government;
1. To exert the necessary pressure on Ethiopia to unconditionally comply with the EEBC’s decision.
2. As a key member of the EU, a guarantor of the Algiers Peace Agreement, to shoulder its responsibility and take a neutral position in upholding the rule of law and the principles of the Agreement; and as a member of the UN Security Council, to lay the ground for the sanctions on Eritrea to be lifted.
The COI report was of high importance to the British Eritrean Communities representatives group, BECON representatives indicated that the UK would only gain by the existence of a stable and prosperous Eritrea and that they would like to see improved relationship between Eritrea and the United Kingdom.
Finally the members recommended for the UK Government to endeavor in establishing an honest, impartial and fair approach in order for the Eritrean Government to begin to trust and engage in mutually meaningful ways.
In support of the European Development Fund 11, Eritrea and EU - moving forward, members of British Eritrean in UK sent several messages to Brussels, EU Head Office, acknowledging the efforts of the past 20 - years of Eritrea - EU relationship, urge the EU to advance stronger partnerships.
BECON in collaboration with Eritrean organizations worldwide continue actively engaged in supporting the Global campaign against the COI.
Eritreans in UK held several constructive meetings with members of British Parliament!
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