An Introspection not to be missed out

Eritrea's Red Sea Coast - Credit: Kemey
An Introspection not to be missed out
Tseghai Kidane
January 05, 2015
My personal observation on the issue of climate rather environment for the sake of argument is based on: having spent half of my life in west as much as my time spent in part of Africa after birth.
My identity and experience as an African is embedded in mind, nevertheless, I have never felt, I have adapted until the moments I have been able to catch up the crucial seasonal cyclic strong wind shield or magnetic field in the sense of physical dynamics which shifts warmer into colder season immediately for the last three years or so.
Not necessarily one has to be an atmospheric scientist equipped with computing simulator for compiling or predicting general information, otherwise, instead of persistence of the coolness after the event, temperature is being observed to back up.
The argument which would follow: what is the percentage of carbon footprint poor nations in Africa or elsewhere have to be accountable in comparison to industrialized nations to exasperate an imminent threat to the greenhouse effect and the scepticism to link their environmental vulnerability directly to this?
As part of observational science in action of the piece, one can’t hesitate to imagine that all industrialized nations' environmental pollution problem can be as immense as western market deprived under developed nations irrespective internal environmental problem in terms of demand for energy consumption and energy waste management although this can be what’s bad turns to be good news and vice- versa speaking of logic as far as poor nations is concerned.
Apparently there might not be a silver magic bullet scientific solution to reverse the crisis so long as there is profligate demand for energy and economic growth wow, foreign and nation policy making bodies have to seek mitigating solution from socio-cultural political economy point of view besides an exertion to curb carbon dioxide (CO2) emission and other green- house gas emitters levying carbon tax, eliminating resource depleting large industrial scale livestock farming as there is repercussion from different angles perspective into it, what citizens should or shouldn’t do to protect the climate, for instance, pulling money out of redundant climate damaging business, developing or incorporating environmental awareness compulsory subject which can be equivalent to health & fitness subject if there is universally into educational curriculum for young students prior to school leaving so on and so forth.
While the above statement can be an intrinsic and a precautionary future lesson for under privileged poor nations which are lagging behind conspicuously, again it is contentious issue to claim that their environmental vulnerability is totally due to climate impact.
In certain aspects, for example, in Bangladesh, it is believed that half the population lives on groundless than five meters above sea level, why have they been wowed for economic growth such as by the idea of industrialization of factories as it’s deemed to be the intensification of the problem then? So does, in sub-Saharan Africa including the Horn where the desert tip-toes south at the same time notoriously known for political instability starting from the days of British empire’s geopolitical struggle competence over a European occupier through the cold war interests, and now, the precariously sounding, war on counter insurgency. As far as far Syrian crisis, in the mind of self- serving analysts, ' Arab Spring' was ground breaking means for regime change policy has been out of sight-out of mind. Instead, a conclusion has been drawn as if only extreme drought has been a prime factor in the demise of the nation and Europe migration crisis in general.
This entails for the need of firm policy in assisting poor nations adapt which seem to be left behind or tangling as a result of external threats such as natural disaster or climate impact and as far as part of Africa, environmental degradation emanates mainly due to internal causes such as territorial conflicts which can lead to lack of political instability and this can again cascade into lack of infrastructure of all aspects to have basic environmental means to develop sustainably. How can on earth it is possible any nation, it can’t even afford basic family planning to tackle population explosion be able to develop sustainably at the same time be a threat to a land?
The piece was compiled after having observed where would 'Paris Conference on Climate Meeting' development lead for personal inquisitiveness.
Speaking with mind on the basis what is behind on the mirror rather than what is in front analogy.
An Introspection not to be missed out
Reviewed by Admin
2:23 PM

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