[Video] Four Ethiopian rebel groups merge in Eritrea
Ethiopian freedom fighters
In the largest political merger within the exiled Ethiopian opposition camp, four notable Ethiopian rebel groups have merged, according to the Ethiopian Satellite News Agency (ESAT).
The four groups are Arbegnoch Ginbot 7 for Unity and Democratic Movement (AGUDM), Amhara Democratic Force Movement (ADFM), Afar People’s Liberation Movement (APLM) and Tigray Peoples Democratic Movement (TPDM).
The merged group named itself the United Movement for the Salvation of Ethiopia
The chairman of the united front is Dr. Berhanu Nega, an Ethiopian-American professor who left his teaching job at Bucknell University for Eritrea in mid-July, while his deputy is the former TPDM leader, Mola Asghedom.
In their statement the group called on Ethiopians to stand in unison to free their country and its people from the TPLF/EPRDF's repressive dictatorship.
With TPDM alone having over 20,000 fighters in its ranks, the new merger could make the Salvation front the largest rebel group in Africa, and certainly the most formidable internal challenge for the minority clique in Addis Ababa.
See: Pictures of Arbegnoch – Ginbot7 Fighters in Eritrea
[Video] Four Ethiopian rebel groups merge in Eritrea
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