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[Video] Eritrea's National Anthem played after Ghirmay Ghebreslassie wins gold in Beijing

Eritrea's National Anthem played after Ghirmay Ghebreslassie wins gold in Beijing, China.

About Eritrea's national anthem:

Ertra, Ertra, Ertra is the national anthem of Eritrea. It was adopted in 1993 shortly after independence, and is officially transliterated as Eritrea, Eritrea, Eritrea in English. The hymn was written by Solomon Tsehaye Beraki, and composed by Isaac Abraham Meharezghi and Aron Tekle Tesfatsion.

Eritrea, Eritrea, Eritrea,
Her Nemesis destroyed while wailing,
her sacrifices vindicated by freedom.

Forever firm in her principles,
her name became a synonym of tenacity ,
Eritrea, the pride of the oppressed,
is a testament that truth prevails.

Eritrea, Eritrea,
has taken her rightful place in the world.

[So that] The supreme dedication that brought us freedom,
will serve to rebuild her and develop her,
We shall honor her with progress,
It is our legacy to crown her.

Eritrea, Eritrea,
has taken her rightful place in the world.

Source: Wikipedia
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[Video] Eritrea's National Anthem played after Ghirmay Ghebreslassie wins gold in Beijing Reviewed by Admin on 8:28 AM Rating: 5

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