Yemane Ghebreab visits German organization Help Archemed
Yemane Gebreab (center) discussing with Jürgen Cosse, Elisabeth Fuchs-Brünninghoff, Rainer Norbisrath, Dr. Peter Schwidtal and Eckhard Uhlenberg. - Photo: Dahm
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Soest - The small country in East Africa often suffers from negative representations says Dr. Peter Schwidtal, chairman of the association Archemed. Again and again media headlines are dominated by untruths about Eritrea. Archemed help the Horn of Africa.
Doctors, nurses, craftsmen, technicians are committed to the people there, on the edge of the Sahel. They constantly emphasize the importance of broad support is to save more lives, and indeed go hand in hand. Their work on the African continent is highly regarded, even by the government. The Soester doctor now pleased about the visit by Yemane Gebreab, Adviser to the Eritrean President.
The party leader is on a private trip for three days as a guest. He uses his stay, to make clear once again how great the interest in cooperation with Germany was - a country he considers as the technology world champion that set standards with its models to vocational education and training.
Yemane Gebreab tells about everyday life in his homeland. It is important for him to convey his view your own image to point about the efforts to develop and Eritrea to build a future. The country wants to open so that journalists come to look himself. "We do not want to rely on our natural resources," he describes and also addresses economic priorities, as well as the search for investors, especially in the field of renewable energies.
All these points flowed now into conversation that Yemane Gebreab, Peter Schwidtal and two other board members Rainer Norbisrath and Elisabeth Fuchs-Brüninghoff with the Vice-President of the Landtag, Eckhard Uhlenberg (CDU), and Jürgen Cosse (chairman of the SPD in Kreis Steinfurt) led. The appointment with the two politicians served through their contacts - for example, to developing Minister Gerd Müller and the foreign policy spokesman for the Social Democrats, Niels Annen - to provide further points. Dr. Peter Schwidtal knows Yemane Gebreab by working in Eritrea. "Whenever I have a problem there, he knows a solution, whether it's about a SIM card or a special visa for one of our employees."
On the second day we went to Bonn, the first headquarters of the development aid ministry. There was a meeting with the "very top" recognized, among others, the East Africa director.
Software translation from German
Yemane Ghebreab visits German organization Help Archemed
Reviewed by Admin
12:07 AM

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