Why Susan Rice’s unproved laughter was a genuine one?
Susan Rice laughing at TPLF's 100% election victory
Why Susan Rice’s unproved laughter was a genuine one?
July 27, 2015
By Haile Abraham
By now we all know that Susan Rice, the former US ambassador to the UN and the current National Security Advisor, is not really known much for her humorous personality. Rather, and contrary to that, she is quite often known as a no nonsense poker-face diplomat, who usually uses a profanity language and arrogant attitude to aggressively pursue her own agenda, most frequently in unethical manner. Many describe this behavior as a possible means of covering for her lack of political acumen and confidence. But that is a different story.
In the Eritrean circle, the name Susan Rice is also perhaps one of the most loathed names because mainly many Eritreans believe that she had personally gone beyond her diplomatic duties to target and attack Eritrea and its leadership while serving as a member of the UN Security Council. Her conspiratorial collaboration with the late Ethiopian PM, Meles Zenawi, in order to enforce illegal and unjust UN sanctions on Eritrea are two prime examples on how she abused her power in order to quench her own ego and personal agenda. So it is no coincidence that she appears to wear a dark veil around her all the time.
But that ever-gloomy face suddenly lit up on July 22, 2015, during a White House Daily Briefing, and few days before President Obama’s trip to Kenya and Ethiopia. During the Q & A session, the usually frowned-face Susan Rice started off by saying, “I think the Prime Minister of Ethiopia was just elected with 100 percent of the vote” and when a reported followed it up with that “So is that -- but does he think that that was a democratic election?” she then replied “Absolutely – 100 percent” and then busted out laughing from her gut. I definitely believe that the laughter was very genuine and essentially she said that it was very hilarious of the Ethiopian PM to think that he was elected by a 100 percent vote and also by a 100 percent democratic election process.
Even though her genuine laughter can be interpreted as a genuine insult to the Woyane cadres for making a mockery of the democratic election process, still the Obama travelling team of her and Gayle Smith managed to prepare President Obama to make a fool of himself during a press conference today with the Ethiopian PM by continuously referring to the Woyane cadres as “democratically elected.” Her unprovoked laughter, Obama’s speech in Ethiopia and Weyane’s shaking reception of Obama is just like a bad movie that will end once baby Obama and his stooges are out of the office and replaced with Donald Trump or Jed Bush….”
Sorry for the unsolicited Republican endorsement☺
Sorry for the unsolicited Republican endorsement☺
Why Susan Rice’s unproved laughter was a genuine one?
Reviewed by Admin
12:10 AM

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