Video: U.S. should make clear it will not support Ethiopia invasion of Eritrea: Prof. Terrence Lyons
Ahead of President Obama's controversial trip to Ethiopia, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) on Thursday, held a conference reviewing policy issues in Kenya and Ethiopia.
Among the four panelists was Terrence Lyons, Associate Professor of Conflict Resolution at George Mason University, who described the ruling EPRDF as a "friendly authoritative regime".
Regarding Ethiopia's latest belligerent remarks against Eritrea, Prof. Lyons said:
The Ethiopian government has made some really quiet astonishing bellicose statements about Eritrea recently that really are laying the ground work for what could be an escalation of that conflict (the Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict). And that it would be very useful for the United States and for President Obama to say directly to the highest levels of officials: 'We are not on board with you on that. Crossing the border into Eritrea would be a catastrophe, and you shouldn't do it.' To make sure there is no ambiguity on that point.
Video: U.S. should make clear it will not support Ethiopia invasion of Eritrea: Prof. Terrence Lyons
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9:06 PM

Where do Madote hear the gentlemen saying the ward invasion. He said crossing the border and that does not mean invasion. Ethiopia does not have the ability to do that. The heading need to be changed.
ReplyDeleteEthiopia can't cross the border into Eritrea without invading Eritrea.
ReplyDeleteI used the word "invasion" because that's what he's talking about. Politicians like to use soft sounding words like "intervention" or "crossing" because they sound less violent than invasion. This is why Western military's regard their military as defense forces and not attacking forces, even though Western countries attack other countries and rarely need to defend themselves from any aggression.
ReplyDeleteCrossing a border without the country's permission is called invasion Sovereign Nation. It is International Law. Otherwise there wouldnt be necessary for our youth to stand on guard for a decade to defend the homeland from voilators on our south.
ReplyDeleteJust want to know what is crossing in your term. Ethiopia creossed so many times.
ReplyDeleteHe also said that if Ethiopia cross to Eritrea border it is going to be a catastrophic. Catastrophic for whom? He is also looking at a regime change in Ethiopia in ten year time. He also said relationship between Ethiopia and USA is temporary. He mentioned also if Ethiopia's fighting against terrorism is destabilizing the region. For the most part his opinion is opposite to his countries foreign policy. It is why Eritrean media and some Ethiopian media funded by Eritrea pick up on the comment. Ethiopian government is well aware of the fact that there are no friends or allies for life in politics. We know USA has political and economical interest in the globe for that US policy changes all the time around the globe. If Ethiopia goes to Eritrea, it means the action most likely is in line with the west policy on Eritrea. Ethiopia has no any desire to occupy Eritrea. If Ethiopia goes there it is a fight to kill all anti-peace and destroy its military that has become the right hand of the regime.
ReplyDeleteBetter late than ever, that you understand the "non permanent relationships among parts", except "permanent economical interest.." or "use until expires ect..the world is full of contradictions, specially the capitalistic one, as it puts capital firsts and maybe humans later.
ReplyDeleteExcellent comment- You said that very well, and I agree.
ReplyDeleteeventually thats how the show is going to end at some point, they (Agame) "will cross the line to Eritrea" and there will be the mother of all wars and it will be the end of Agame as it was the end of the Mengistu and Haile Selassie.
ReplyDeleteFedayeen, you are WRONG!! The last time "they the Agame" crossed into Eritrea, it was almost the end of Eritrea, when Eritrea was at it's strongest militarily and politically. Why would it be the end of Ethiopia now, when it is very clear that Ethiopia has the military, economic and political upper hand? If you're going to post something, post something that is logical with some semblance of common sense. Not wishful thinking.
ReplyDeleteWhat this idiot professor forgot is that Ethiopia crossed into Eritrea in 2000 chasing the invading Eritrean army despite the US pressure (Recall the arms embargo on both Eritrea and Ethiopia from 1999-2000). Does he think Ethiopia will be restrained with another pressure now?
ReplyDeleteDogali, you are WRONG !!!! In the previous border war, there were some mishaps in part the war was outsourced to Russian mercenary pilots and US logistical and financial support amongst other things and of course there were Agame/Jebha infiltrators within the Eritrean military ranks and sabotage was committed and is documented. No doubt that the enemy did advanced on the ground, however the enemy was repelled and pushed back by the Eritrean Air Force (napalm & chemical) arsenal power. Meanwhile, there has been a lesson learned process since last time on Eritrea's part, and Eritrea is ready.... and as for your comment "when it is very clear that Ethiopia has the military, economic and political upper hand?" you are WRONG again, Mengistu with his "one million" army with the Russian air/naval armada and USAID was still crushed in the mountains of Nakfa by barefooted peasants with an AK. I think one of us has no "logic / semblance and common sense" not to mention lesson from history and it is not me. This is not "wishful thinking" but grim reality.
ReplyDeleteCheck dictionary what "crossing a line" means, doma Ras !! LOL
ReplyDeleteNo one wants war u dirty Ethiopian government