Eritrea's Statement to the Non-Aligned Movement
Permanent Mission of The State of Eritrea
To the United Nations, New York
The Movement has always underscored that international cooperation on the promotion and protection of human rights shall be based on constructive dialogue and cooperation and has rejected the establishment of "country-specific tools which would lead to politicization, double standards and selectivity in dealing with human rights issues."
Concerning the Human Rights Council and country-specific resolution, the 16th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement, has clearly and unambiguously reaffirmed and stressed:
a. "that universality, transparency, impartiality, objectivity and non-selectivity should be guiding principles for the work of the Council and its method of work."
b. "the need to defend the principles of non-selectivity, non-politicization, objectivity and impartiality in the consideration of human rights situations, as well as to ensure that human rights are not used for political purposes and adopting politically motivated decisions and to avoid the problems which plagued the former Human Rights Commission. In this regard, they expressed their concern over the proliferation of politicization and double standards, as well as country specific resolutions at the Human Rights Council."
c. "that Universal Periodic Review is the main inter-governmental mechanism to review human rights issues at the national level in all countries without distinction."
d. "that the Human Rights Council should not be used as a tool to coerce States and subject them to politically motivated country-specific resolutions."
b. "the need to defend the principles of non-selectivity, non-politicization, objectivity and impartiality in the consideration of human rights situations, as well as to ensure that human rights are not used for political purposes and adopting politically motivated decisions and to avoid the problems which plagued the former Human Rights Commission. In this regard, they expressed their concern over the proliferation of politicization and double standards, as well as country specific resolutions at the Human Rights Council."
c. "that Universal Periodic Review is the main inter-governmental mechanism to review human rights issues at the national level in all countries without distinction."
d. "that the Human Rights Council should not be used as a tool to coerce States and subject them to politically motivated country-specific resolutions."
Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran
to the United Nations
New York, NY
Unfortunately, against this clear and unambiguous decision of the NAM heads of State and Government and Ministers, members of our Movement, Djibouti and Somalia, has tabled a draft country-specific resolution against Eritrea. This draft country-specific resolution is clear violation of NAM's principled position and Heads State and Government decisions.
Eritrea believes that the Universal Periodic Review is the appropriate mechanism through which Human Rights issues of any country be reviewed. As a result, it has presented its report of the second cycle in June 2014 and is studiously working to implement the recommendations.
The Government of Eritrea while calling on the Governments of Djibouti and Somalia to withdraw their draft country-specific resolution, it appeals to all members of the Non-Alignment Movement to reject the aforementioned draft resolution.
The Permanent Mission of Eritrea also requests the Chair of the Coordinating Bureau to remind and urge all members to respect and uphold NAM's common position as decided by the Heads of State and Government.
The permanent Mission of Eritrea to the United Nations kindly requests the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations to circulate this note verbal to all Permanent Missions of the Non Aligned Movement.
The Permanent Mission of Eritrea to the United Nations avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Permanent Mission of Islamic Republic of Iran, in its capacity as the Chair of the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement, the assurance of its highest consideration.
New York, 30 June 2015
Eritrea's Statement to the Non-Aligned Movement
Reviewed by Admin
12:35 AM

There are grammatical and style typos in this letter. It is good for the government to hire qualified editors. It should be edited properly.
ReplyDeleteYep, that is what I was thinking too. The stupid beggars now have off the shelf PhD in english :))
ReplyDeleteI am just trying to help. ድሕረትካ ወሰን የብሉን።
ReplyDeleteI feel pity for y. Negativity is inborn character. No remedy. Pls see a psychologist. I am not concerned about the correction of the English usage as long as y ve the capacity. At least if y ve said about the essence of the topic, I would have appreciated yr comment. Higewene may ayhalefene ejeka sebsebeka use yr potential and give free service to the universities to feel the gap.
I don’t want to insult you. I am conscious that we need to debate, as necessary, on the issue not on the person. I identify two salient points from your reaction:
1. I should not care about the language rather about the content and message. I agree with you. However, the piece has problems in both. If I were them, I would draft it differently. Remember, this represents all of us as Eritreans as it is coming from the “Government”. It should be written with more wisdom, prudence and realism.
2.You said this, “’……’Higewene may ayhalefene ejeka sebsebeka use yr potential and give free service to the universities to feel the gap.,,,,.”.
Ironically you also advised me to see a psychologist. This means I don’t worth contributing anything for what you wish me to do. Do you have any more ideas to advise me to improve myself to be you wished me to be ?