UNHRC Intervention On Eritrea: Dispelling The Myth
Young protester seeks the UN to end the politically motivated Commission of Inquiry mandate on Eritrea. 22 June 2015.
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UNHRC Intervention On
Eritrea: Dispelling The Myth
By Bruh Tesfa
On June 23rd, shortly after the Commission of
Inquiry (COI) of the UN delivered its biased and bogus report on Eritrea’s
human rights situation, someone, based on his name, is of Eritrean nationality
twitted and described “Mr Mike Smith, Ms Sheila B. Keetharuth & Mr Victor
Dankwa- as Eritrea's Guardian Angels” after thanking them for supporting “ the
Eritrean people”. Soon after, another well know diasporan “intellectual” and a
member of the opposition group also twitted in which he stated “Moment of Truth: Finally, no #PFDJ noise or
hoopla on the reality in #Eritrea could stop #COI from telling it...” in a
clear support of the COI’s report.
The point both these two individuals and others with the
same sentiment seem to miss with regard to this case is that, first, the
UNHRC’s report on Eritrea’s human rights has little to do with the country’s
human rights situation, if any. It’s a matter of historical record that the
current UNHRC report is the continuation of the never-ending hostility and a
political plot to undermine Eritrea’s sovereignty and its independent political
path. If one thinks the measures that have been taken by the United nations
against the state and people of Eritrea, including the illegal sanctions and
the deafening silence and total disregard to the call to implement the EEBC
ruling, are born out of love for the people, then it’s time that he/she wakes
up from the deep sleep he/she is in and get with the reality of the world.
Mind you that these UN officials who have been described as
“ Guardian Angels” remotely fit such description. In contrary, These groups can
be best described as wolves wearing sheeps skin and hired foot soldiers whose
mission is to create a crisis that never was in a given region, under a guise
of “human rights and democracy”, thereby pave a way for western corporations to
come in and abuse the system and loot the country’s resources. For some this
may sound hard to believe and one caused by a state of paranoia. Far from it.
This is real and it’s happening all over the world as we speak.
For example, it was not long ago when these “Guardian Angels”
falsely swore about Iraq’s possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD),
thus giving the powers who had a premeditated agenda against Sadam’s
government, a green light to go in and inflict a huge and irreparable human and
material loss. Today, some twelve years after the invasion, Iraq finds itself
in a severe state of chaos and destruction and its inhabitants are in a much
dire situation than they were during Sadam’s reign. The “ democracy “ the west
promised the people of Iraq turned out to be just a pretext used to enter and to
further destabilize the country, rendering it as one of the failed states.
Similarly, Libya, the once peaceful and prosperous African
nation, is now categorized as a failed state with no authoritative government,
thanks to the “ Guardian Angels “ who promised Libyans a sky after the removal
of Moammar Ghaddafi and lack of intervention by the so called World Body.
Today, the people of Libya, just like those in Iraq and Syria, are living in a
constant state of fear. The country has become a play ground for dangerous
extremists where human trafficking and beheading of migrants is a norm.
It’s within such historical facts and backdrops that on June
22nd, 2015 thousands of Eritreans flock to Geneva to make their voices
heard and to tell the powers who hijacked and control the United Nations to
keep their hands off Eritrea. Unlike the
view of one of the twitters in which he attempted to dismiss the protest as
some type of “PFDJ noise or hoopla” , the demonstration was that of the Mass
against United Nations repeated crimes on Eritrea and its people.
The majority people of Eritrea knew from the get go that the COI’s Human Rights
findings on Eritrea was filled with major errors and contradictions. Another
important factor that pushed Eritreans across the world to discredit the report
is the fact that it is completely one sided where the views of those
individuals , organizations and governments whose stand remotely resembles that
of the Eritrean government were not included. In addition, given Ms Sheila B.
Keetharuth’s affiliation with Amnesty International, an organization that
was/is actively calling for regime change, most people have every reason to be
suspicious of the commission’s ulterior motives.
Lastly, regardless of the outcome of the biased and bogus
UNHRC report on Eritrea the people who
drove from across Europe and came to Geneva
to express their anger over this politically motivated UN report should
be commended. Eritrean independence became a reality by the blood and sweat of
its people. At the end of the day, it’s
only the people of Eritrea who should and will decide on the fate of their
UNHRC Intervention On Eritrea: Dispelling The Myth
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1:44 PM

Thanks Bruh: "At the end of the day, it’s only the people of Eritrea who should and will decide on the fate of their country. That is precisely the point one needs to make. Nobody tells Eritrea what, where and how to do it any of its affairs. deceitful UN, keep your bloody off Eritrea! It is nobody's but Eritreans business how we govern our country.
ReplyDeleteajokum deki eriiiiiiii
ReplyDeletebetri haki tiketin imber aytisiberin
awet ni'hafash
ReplyDeleteWe will once they send someone who is actually unbias and is there to do a job not propaganda.
ReplyDeleteWhat an excellent reply... Mr "no" IQ.
ReplyDeleteWe will continue our fight as long as it takes to get Eritrea free of these leeches and wolves dressed as sheep.
ReplyDeleteYeah. And Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
ReplyDeleteIt will be over your dead body... there's no alternative.
ReplyDeleteI agree in principle with you but our Principles cannot and should not distract us away from the Reality on the GROUND!
Despite its fallacy,exaggerations,lies,fabrications,etc..the COI E Report has some serious Truth.
There is ONE fact U cannot deny:
That there is NO Constitutional Governance in Eritrea and this issue has lead us to be the victims of our own mistakes and weakness.
Let us accept the bitter truth and correct our mistakes so as NOT to be the VICTIMS of the follwoing Quote:
"The UN objective is to prove that the
country can not govern itself. Hence, it needs to be governed by UN or UN
planted regime.
Smith and the two appendages are
tools of a UN conspiracy which, in a premeditated step-by-step move, is
developing WMD-style case against Eritrea to effect regime change through
invasion and turn Eritrea into another Iraq and the current Libya. We need to be
vigilant and seriously take into consideration that when such UN mandated
machinations start, it will be hard to stop or reverse them. No one was able to
stop the UN when, in a premeditated move, it delivered us to Ethiopia."
Source: Meskerem.Net